Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One) - Nikki Mays Page 0,47

Scary at times? Sure. Evil? Well…probably not.

Danny and Sage look at each other and then me before they both burst out laughing. Sage actually has to hold onto the door frame to stop herself from falling over.

She wipes under her eyes. She looks at Danny while tilting her head at me. “She’s perfect Danny. She’s exactly what this family was missing, a comedian.”

“I’m being serious.” I mumble.

Sage nods her head at me. “I know. That’s what makes it even funnier.”

“Ah, you two are both annoying. No wonder those girls think about killing you.” I say while getting up.

“I didn’t say anything.” Danny chuckles.

I shake my head in exasperation. “That’s just as bad.” I reach up and make sure that my hair isn’t too messed up making both of them snort. “Shut up.” I mutter. “Anyway, I’m going back downstairs. You two awful people can continue talking about how evil your kids are. I need to make sure that Kealy is okay.”

Danny grabs my hand in a flash and pulls me between his legs again. He pulls me down and kisses the hell out of me before pulling away again. “Okay Baby, unblock my number so that I can give you a call later.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You don’t know that I blocked your number.” I lie, I totally did.

His cheek twitches. “Baby, that phone is always on and never leaves your side. All of my calls have gone straight to voicemail. I know damn well that your petty ass blocked my number.”

I can hear Sage laughing behind me. “I would’ve blocked your ass too. But I would’ve kicked your and Bimbo Barbie’s asses first.”

Danny twists around me to look at Sage. “You’re really not helping.”

“I never said that I was going to.” She replies evenly. “And I get not being confrontational Stacey. But damn girl, if some stupid ho-bag tries that shit again, at least go to one of our girls for help. Trust me, they will have no problem taking out the trash for you. The last thing that they want is some trashy bitch near their dad.” Sage gives a weird kind of creepy smile. “Actually, they were so upset about what happened, that it took a hell of a lot of convincing on mine and JJ’s parts to make sure that they didn’t go after that chick. They were so mad that Danny had finally found someone that they approved of and that chick screwed it up.”

“They approved of me?” I gasp out as my body goes straight. I didn’t think that they would like me just based on the fact that I had heard them say that no one was good enough for Danny.

Sage starts giggling, making her seem like a carefree woman instead of the mother of three. “Approve of you? Honey, they were already picking out their bridesmaids dresses and dates.”

“There will be no dates.” Danny growls like a junkyard dog.

I give him an incredulous look. “Right, that’s the part that you should be focusing on. Not the non-existent wedding that they were planning.” I huff out.

He does a slow and creepy head turn towards me. “What do you mean non-existent?”

I blink a few times. “What do you mean, what do I mean?”

“What do you think is going to be happening someday Baby? Fuck, with how stubborn you are, don’t be surprised if you wake up in Vegas with us already married at some point.”

“We have been back together for literally two freaking seconds Danny!” I hiss at the insane man in front of me. “Don’t you think that you’re getting a little ahead of yourself?”

“Ah, yeah, I’m going to get going. See you both later.” Sage says before high tailing it out of the room. Leaving the door wide open.

“Nope.” That’s all I get from him.

“Nope? Nope to what?” I question.

He does a little head tilt thing and gives it a tiny shake. “Nah, I’m not getting ahead of myself. I’ve had a long time to think long and hard about what I want. The only thing that sucks is waiting for you to catch up.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I take a deep breath and count to ten in my head. “Can we maybe have this discussion later?” Like much…much later. Like when we haven’t just gotten back together.

He gives me a panty melting smirk. “Anything you say Baby.”

I narrow my eyes. “I mean it Dan. I’m going to be royally pissed if you somehow drug me and

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