Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One) - Nikki Mays Page 0,40

sure you didn’t call me over here to hear my life story. What can I do for you?” He looks around at our small group with his brow furrowed.

I have a feeling that his whole life story is exactly what Kealy needed though. She’s been growing more relaxed as he spoke. She’s even looking at him with a soft look in her eyes.

“Actually,” I start. “I do need your help.”

“Name it.” Jameson responds immediately.

“Kid.” Edge chuckles. “You don’t even know what he wants. You shouldn’t be agreeing to anything before you have all the details.

J just shrugs. “Reaper was right. I was kind of a stray that he took in. I hung around for weeks before I got up the courage to ask him to train me. I owe him a lot. He even gave me a job as a trainer so that I could still earn money while working on my fighting. I owe him a lot, so it doesn’t really matter what he wants me to do, I’ll do it.”

Both women are looking at him as though he’s an adorable puppy instead of a six foot seven grown man who could be lethal if he wanted to be. Although, in Kealy’s case, that’s probably going to be useful.

“I appreciate the nice words and the loyalty J, but I didn’t give you anything that you haven’t earned.” I tell him sincerely.

His face scrunches up for a moment. “Well, I also did fuc, I mean screw up your arm. I owe you no matter what.”

“That was an accident.” My tone exasperated.

Stacey snorts. “You know, you can curse in front of us. Honestly, with my mouth, I could probably make a trucker blush.” She isn’t wrong. She can also be really creative with her cursing.

Jameson vehemently shakes his head no. “Nope, nu-huh, sorry ma’am, but that won’t be happening. I swear my momma would somehow magically just know that I did it. Then she would make me bend down to her level so that she could slap me upside the back of my head. No thank you. She has some weird ju-ju or something. That woman has always known when one of us did something wrong. I’m not taking any chances.”

“Your mom sounds like a hoot.” Kealy giggles, looking more and more relaxed by the second.

He nods his head. “She’s definitely something. But I find it best to stay on her good side. No need to tempt fate.” He rubs the back of his head. “I’m pretty sure that the back of my skull even has a callus or something on it from when I was younger and just plain dumb.”

“That must be why you’re able to take a hit to the head so well.” I reply dryly.

He nods his head happily. “Definitely shots to the back of the head. The front is all thanks to my sisters throwing the remote at my head.”

Stacey gasps and puts her hands near her chest. “Why would they do that to you?”

Jameson looks down at her like a mischievous boy, his smirk is pure evil. “Well, they liked to hog the couch and the television.”

“Okay.” She says dubiously, obviously interpreting the look on his face.

“Well, you’re a girl.” She nods her head slowly. “I’m sure nothing will make you clear out of a room quickly like someone loudly farting.”

Edge and I start laughing at his words and the look of pure disgust on Stacey and Kealy’s faces.

“Never mind.” Stacey mumbles. “I’d throw something at your head too.”

“Probably.” He chuckles deeply. “But at least I got to watch whatever I wanted while being able to sprawl out on the couch. It was worth a few bumps on the head.”

I finish laughing and look back at him. “As I was saying, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to help Kealy with self-defense moves, but I need you to partner up with Edge to show them to her.”

His eyes that were once alight with humor have taken a serious, almost deadly turn. Yup, that’s the look of someone who treats the women in his life very well.

His next words will stay with me for a long time to come, making me like this kid even more. “Like moves on how to kill the stupid fucker?”

Stacey and Kealy kind of choke out gasps while Edge is standing there nodding his approval. If I hadn’t realized that Jameson had picked up a few of Kealy’s nuisances, those words definitely sealed the deal.

I pinch the

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