Tangled Games (Dating Games #5) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,79

room, his increasingly frantic thrusts pushing me closer and closer to the point of oblivion. When I dig my nails into his spine, he reels back, roaring like an untamed beast as his orgasm sneaks up on him. He collapses on top of me, his teeth clamping onto my neck as he keeps thrusting, the pain mixed with pleasure setting me off yet again.

Lights flashing before my eyes, I fall apart with my prince, wave after wave of bliss washing over me and erasing every last doubt I’ve ever had.

Our heavy breathing fills the room as we attempt to come down, neither of us wanting to move, to put any space between us. There’s been too big of a distance between us lately. I don’t want to go back to that.

When he manages to lift his head, he peers at me with reverence, at odds with the carnal lust that blanketed his expression mere minutes ago.

“I wish I could promise you that I won’t fuck up again. But chances are I will. And probably worse than I did this week. Despite popular opinion that the royal family pisses rainbows and shits unicorns, we’re not perfect. Far from it.”

I laugh slightly, averting my gaze, but he pinches my chin, drawing my eyes back to his.

“Better yet, we don’t have to be perfect. And neither do you. You can tell me when shit just really bloody sucks and you miss home. I may not be able to whisk you away on the next flight to JFK, but I can at least do something to try to fix it, even if the best I can do is recreate an outdoor movie in Bryant Park, or have a pastrami and rye from Katz flown in.”

I shoot up, pushing him off me, mouth agape. “You can do that?”

“What? Recreate an outdoor movie? Of course. I—”

“No.” I quickly shake my head. “Have Katz flown in. Do you have any idea how badly I’ve been craving some pastrami and matzo ball soup? And pickles. Lots and lots of pickles.”

He laughs as he pulls me into his arms. “And here I thought pregnancy cravings didn’t start until the second trimester. At least that’s what the book I’ve been reading says.”

My brows furrow. “You’ve been reading a pregnancy book?”

“I figured it was the least I could do, considering we’ve barely been able to see each other lately. Thought if I read a bit on what happens every week, at least I’d have some frame of reference.” His expression falls. “I should have started in the chapter about dealing with pregnancy loss.” He cups my cheek, his hold resolute. “If I had known how difficult that first appointment could be, especially after what you went through, I never would have missed it. I knew it was important. You told me as much. I should have fought harder for you. For your needs. From now on, that’s exactly what I plan on doing. Okay?”

I part my lips, about to argue that he had a legitimate excuse, but he won’t hear it, erasing my protest with a kiss.

“Okay?” he repeats.

With a small smile, I nod. “Okay.”


He pulls me against him again as I process this new piece of information. Try to picture Anderson in his office, a stack of pregnancy books piled beside whatever important things are on his agenda for the day.

“What is it?” he asks, his voice borderline accusatory.

“What do you mean?”

“I can hear you thinking.”

“I didn’t know thinking made a sound.”

He runs a finger along my back, the gesture comforting. “Not for most people, but I can hear your brain.” He places a kiss on my head. “Tell me. No more secrets.”

I tilt my head back to look into his eyes. “I’m just trying to picture you reading a pregnancy book. I have to admit, it’s not easy, especially when the only things I’ve seen you read are the newspaper and books on World War II.”

“It was actually quite interesting.”

I shift toward him and prop my head in my hand. “Oh yeah? What kinds of things did you pick up on?”

He pinches his lips together for a beat, peering into the distance in contemplation. I can’t help but admire the strong lines of his face, the proud nose, square jaw, not to mention full mouth that brings me more pleasure than should be legal.

“Babies drink a lot of pee.”

I grimace. “Ummm… Okay.”

“Not once they’re born, but when they’re developing. Amniotic fluid is pretty much all pee. I found that

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