Tangled Games (Dating Games #5) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,65

I’ll strike a deal with the devil to make sure you’re tortured for all eternity.”

“That’s assuming I’m going to hell when I die. A pretty lofty assumption, if you ask me.”

She places a hand on her hip. “Trust me, my darling brother. I know all your secrets. And if you go to heaven, provided such a place does exist, mankind is worse off than I originally believed.”

I bark out a laugh, the sound filling the room.

At my lowest moments, I can always count on Esme to lift me up, to remind me what it’s like to feel normal. She grounds me when I feel as if my world is spinning out of control. And it’s this bond that helps me finally understand Nora’s concerns.

She hasn’t had anyone to count on as her world spun out of control, threatening to throw her off. It used to be me, but as Anderson. Now, while we’re here, it needs to be Prince Gabriel.

“Hey, Esme?” I ask.


“Can you do me a favor?”

Her smile turns conniving, as if able to read my thoughts. “Anything for you.”

Chapter Twenty-One


“What are your plans now?” Esme approaches as I make my way out of the palace conference room where I just sat through yet another morning full of etiquette classes.

I come to an abrupt stop, momentarily surprised to see her. Then I glance at my private secretary, almost positive I have a meeting with my publicists to go over a few events leading up to the big day, all staged to paint me as a woman worthy of marrying Prince Gabriel.

It hasn’t escaped my notice that everything planned is to make me appear worthy, to give off this image of perfection. I’m held up to impossible standards, whereas Anderson is revered and adored, regardless of what he does. It’s such a double standard that no one can live up to, but I’m expected to do just that.

“Actually, ma’am, your next appointment has been canceled.”

I furrow my brow. “My publicists canceled?” I repeat, making sure I understood him and pregnancy brain hasn’t taken over already.

“Scheduling conflict, I believe. You’re free and clear for the rest of the day.”

“Perfect.” Esme claps excitedly. “Then we’re going out.”


“There’s this great little café in the plaza by the canals.” She grabs my hand, tugging me down the corridor. “They have the best tea and cakes around. You could use a break. Go somewhere other than home or the palace.”

“You mean there’s a world outside of these walls?” I shoot back, only half-joking.

She leans toward me. “Shh. Don’t tell anyone I let you know.” She winks. “We’ll stop by your place so you can change.”


“I’m sure you’d love nothing more than to put on a pair of jeans. Or really anything that doesn’t require you to wear bloody pantyhose.”

“You have no idea,” I say, avoiding a few pointed stares from other members of the royal household who appear to believe the rules should be strictly adhered to. I can only imagine what they think of Esme’s jeans and open-toed sandals. Wedges, no less. But if they disapprove, Esme doesn’t seem to care.

She doesn’t seem to care much for any of the rules.

“Then let’s blow this joint.” With a devious grin, she hands me a pair of oversized dark sunglasses.

Why do I feel like a prisoner about to break free from captivity?

Because that’s exactly what I’m about to do.

“I’d love to.”

“He’s not lost,” Esme explains as her chief protection officer, Captain Walsh, drives around the same few blocks a couple times. “I didn’t give them much notice to advance the café.”

“Advance the café?” I repeat.

She smiles, but it’s more out of annoyance than amusement. “Welcome to life as a royal. You can’t go anywhere in public without a shadow.” Her eyes meet the man driving. “No offense, Archie.”

“None taken, ma’am.”

She looks back at me. “There’s no more popping down to the local Starbucks for a quick coffee with friends. No going for an early-morning run before the city comes to life. No strolling along the canal bridges to see the flowers on that first nice, spring day. Every single one of your movements must be approved and organized with a security team. Anywhere you want to go needs to be scouted ahead of time to make sure there are no dangers hiding within.”

I nod. I may not be as accustomed to this as Esme, but I’ve had a little taste of royal living. People think it’s a fairy-tale life. That with a crown comes the ability

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