Tangled Games (Dating Games #5) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,17

her ragged breathing, her chest heaving. I push the skirt of her dress up around her waist and reveal a sexy pair of pink panties.

“I don’t recognize these,” I comment, grazing my thumb over the lace material.

“They’re new.”

“Is that right?”

Chewing on her lower lip, she nods. “You should see what else I got.”

“I can’t bloody wait. For now, I’d love nothing more than to rip these damn knickers off you.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” She lifts her hips in invitation.

I hook my fingers into the waistband of her panties, fumbling to rid her of them as quickly as possible. Once I toss them aside, I return to her, stealing a glance at her expression. Lips parted. Eyes closed. Expression flushed. I’m not even touching her yet, but that doesn’t matter. The promise of what’s to come is enough to ignite the flames within.

Gripping her thighs, I spread them apart, pressing my mouth against her, my tongue circling her clit. A moan slips from her throat as she throbs against me, urging me to go faster, deeper, harder.

“God, I love you,” she exhales, digging her nails into my scalp.

I continue worshiping her, nudging a finger inside. She thrusts harder against me, her breathing growing more uneven, muscles tightening around me. I push another finger inside her, stretching and massaging.

I’m so focused on her, on making her feel good, I barely register when a knock rips through the space. It’s not until Nora hoists herself up onto her elbows and stares at the door I realize we’re being interrupted.

“Anders, I think—”

“Ignore it.” My hand on her chest, I push her back against the mattress.

I return to her, tuning out everything else, thrusting my two fingers back inside her before adding a third. She succumbs to me again, her moans and whimpers growing closer together as she fights her impending orgasm. I suck her clit harder, my motions more frenzied. Then there’s another knock, which only serves to aggravate me even more. This never happened back in New York.

“Anders…” Nora attempts to pull away from me again.

And again, I refuse to let her, placing my hand on her stomach, pinning her to the bed. “Ignore it,” I tell her, this time louder. More demanding. More desperate.

I continue plunging my fingers inside her, no longer sure if I’m doing this for her or for me. I know what’s waiting on the other side of the door. I need this one slice of normalcy before being sucked back into my reality.

When the knock sounds again, this time more incessant, I jump from the bed, growling out of frustration. I toss a blanket over Nora before storming toward the door and yanking it open only enough for Nathan to see my face.

“Will you bugger off?” I seethe, lip curled. “I left explicit instructions I was not to be disturbed, so what is so bloody important that I can’t be left alone for one goddamn minute?”

His expression remains even, not so much as a flinch in response to my outburst. He bows his head, as if he’d interrupted my morning coffee, not me on the brink of making love to my fiancée.

“His Majesty has requested your presence at Lamberside. Immediately.”

My jaw ticks, hand clenching into a fist as I fight against a tremor.

“Captain Lawson is waiting with the car, sir.”

I have an overwhelming urge to tell Bridge I’m not going. Perhaps if I were still a defiant teenager and college student, I might. But in a few years, I’ll be king. I need to start acting like it.

“Fine,” I huff, not hiding my irritation. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right down.”

“Of course.” With another bow, he spins, striding purposefully down the hallway.

I close the door behind him, staring at it for several long seconds, cursing under my breath.

“You have to go,” Nora comments. It’s neither a question nor a statement, but some ambivalent remark in between.

I exhale as I slowly face her. “I’m sorry, love.” I walk to the bed and lower myself onto the corner. “Trust me when I say going to the palace is the absolute last thing I want to do today. I’d much rather spend it in bed with you.”

Raising herself to sitting, she bends toward me. “I’ll take a rain check.”

When her lips graze mine, a current runs through me. Which only increases my frustration.

“This isn’t how I pictured your first day here. I thought I’d have time to ease you into things.”

“I think we both saw this

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