Taming a Texas Rascal (Bad Boy Ranch #6) - Katie Lane Page 0,49

at the table.

Sawyer’s mother and father were the definition of classy. Neither one looked old enough to have grown sons. His father was tall and trim with just a sprinkling of gray at his temples. His mother was petite with dark blond hair and Sawyer’s pretty grayish-blue eyes. Her eyes brightened when she saw her son, but both she and her husband seemed hesitant about how to greet Sawyer. They all three stood there as if an invisible wall kept them apart.

Maisy decided someone needed to break it.

“I can see where Sawyer gets his looks. From his handsome daddy and beautiful mama.” She held out her hand to his mother. “Maisy Sweeney. I’m a friend of Sawyer’s.”

His mother took her hand and squeezed it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maisy. We’re so glad you and Sawyer could make it.”

“We certainly are,” his father said as he looked Sawyer with such longing that it about broke Maisy’s heart. “How are you, son?”

Sawyer answered almost belligerently. “Still riding broncs.” He flashed a smile at Maisy. “Maisy’s a bronc rider too.”

His parents turned to her in shock and she wanted to string Sawyer up by his toes. She pinned on a smile. “That’s right. But what Sawyer failed to mention is that I’m twice the rider he is.”

He tipped back his head and laughed. And his mother and father joined in.

Chapter Fifteen

“I like her.”

Sawyer pulled his attention from the dance floor to see Lauren standing at the table. She looked as perfect as always. Even after hours of dancing, cake cutting, and toasts, there wasn’t a hair out of place or a smudge of makeup beneath her blue eyes. He had hoped to avoid talking to her, but he realized that was an impossibility. She was his brother’s wife now. He would have to talk to her eventually. He waited for the pain of loss to hit him, but all he felt was a slight pang of nostalgia for what they’d once had.

“Hello, Lauren.” He glanced back at the dance floor where Maisy was two-stepping with Mattie. Because Mattie couldn’t hear the music, Maisy was leading. Sawyer was sure that suited her just fine. A warm, contented feeling settled in his stomach. One he hadn’t felt for a long time. He smiled. “Everyone likes Maisy. She’s completely won over my parents.”

Lauren pulled a chair out and sat down. “Is she the one who got you to come here?”

He thought about it for a moment before he nodded. If Maisy hadn’t gotten after him for not answering his brother’s texts, he wouldn’t be there. As much as he had dreaded it, he was glad he’d come.

“Mattie has never looked happier,” he said.

“He makes me happy too.” She lowered her gaze to her lap. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with him, Sawyer. Neither one of us planned it. It just happened.” She looked up. “But it made me realize that what you and I had wasn’t love. We were just two people playing at love. We didn’t even know each other. You swept in between rodeos and said all the things a woman wants to hear and then you swept right back out again. Mattie doesn’t tell me what I want to hear. He tells what I need to hear. Even if I don’t particularly like it.”

She was right. Mattie had always been a straight shooter who never minced words, even if those words were spoken with his hands. Sawyer, on the other hand, kept all his feelings tucked deep inside. He had done that with Lauren too. He’d expected her to love him without showing her who he really was. Not the golden boy. Not the bad boy. Just the scared boy who had lost himself. And if he didn’t know who he was, how could he have expected Lauren to know? Or any woman, for that matter?

“I’m sorry,” he said. “You’re right. I wasn’t honest with you. I led you to believe that some day I’d be ready for marriage when I don’t know if I’ll ever be.”

She leaned closer and took his hand. “You will be one day when you find the right person. I wasn’t that person. And I think deep down you knew that.” Her eyes turned sad. “I’m just sorry the right person for me was your brother. He loves you so much, Sawyer. It killed him to think he’d lost you. And I know no matter how much he loves me, if he can’t have

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