Taming a Texas Rascal (Bad Boy Ranch #6) - Katie Lane Page 0,40

one in the bottom drawer and was drying the pan when Maisy stepped out. She looked like she always looked. Hair in two braids, t-shirt, and faded jeans. She had the sling back on. She adjusted the shoulder strap as she spoke.

“A cowboy who knows how to do dishes. Be still my heart. No wonder you were so popular with the buckle bunnies.”

“They never got to see my dishwashing skills because they never shared their bacon.”

“Cold-hearted hussies.”

He laughed. “Now there’s a name for your ranch. The Cold-Hearted Hussy Ranch.”

“How about the Sizzling Bacon Ranch?”

“The Sassy Cowgirl.” He snapped the dishtowel at her butt. “You ready for me to show you how real riding is done, sassy cowgirl?”

She sent him the sassiest of smiles. “Bring it on, rodeo bum.”

Chapter Twelve

“Angel’s got a thing for Doris.” Maisy leaned her arms on the railing and watched as the big black stallion pranced around the paddock showing off for the mare, who was eating grass in the pasture and completely ignoring him.

Sawyer leaned on the railing next to her. His muscular forearms with the light sprinkling of golden hair were extremely distracting. Of course, everything was distracting about the man. Maisy couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off him. “And what makes you think it’s not Cookie or Misty he’s showing off for?” he asked.

“He told me.”

Sawyer laughed. “So now you’re not only a horse whisperer, you speak horse?”

She glanced over at him. His straw hat was pushed up and a strand of blond hair fell over his forehead. It took a real effort not to lift her hand and smooth it back with her fingers. “You speak to horses. Not only do you talk to Angel, but you also talk to the broncs you ride. If you don’t think they understand you, why waste your time?”

“Thinking they understand you is one thing. Thinking you understand them is another.”

“You seem to understand Angel. You’ve worked miracles with him in the last week. He’s ready for the saddle.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “I guess he told you that right after he told you he had a thing for Doris.”

“Get a saddle and I’ll show you.”

“I’ll get a saddle, but you’re not riding Angel. Not with a busted collarbone. You probably shouldn’t be riding Cookie either.”

Riding had become a daily ritual. Sawyer would arrive at Maisy’s trailer every morning with Doris and Cookie. She’d make him breakfast and he’d do the dishes before they headed out. Sometimes they’d ride to the Double Diamond ranch and sometimes they’d head over to the Gardener ranch. Sometimes they’d talk while they rode and sometimes they’d say nothing. Maisy liked one just as much as the other.

When they did talk, she steered the conversation away from the topic of their tequila night and babies. She had done more research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy and decided Dixie was right. Sawyer’s life was more important than her guilt. She wanted him to grow old with his mind intact. And if the truth ever came out and he hated her, she’d just have to live with that.

It would be hard though. The more time they spent together, the more she liked Sawyer. Before she had just been infatuated with the sexy rodeo cowboy. Now she was infatuated with the man beneath.

Sawyer headed into the barn, and she followed. “My collarbone is just fine,” she said. “I’m not even wearing my sling any more.”

“You should be.” He disappeared into the tack room. She opened her mouth to continue to argue when a ping drew her attention to the cellphone sitting on a hay bale. In the last week, she’d noticed Sawyer got a lot of texts that he didn’t answer. She couldn’t help wondering why. After a quick glance to make sure Sawyer was still in the tack room, she leaned closer to the phone. She wasn’t surprised the text was from a woman. No wonder Sawyer didn’t answer the texts when he was with her. He didn’t want her to know he still had a string of women chasing after him. But here was proof.

Jealousy like she had never felt before consumed her . . . until she read the text.

You don’t have to forgive me, but please forgive your brother. He loves you and is devastated you aren’t coming to the wedding.

Sawyer walked back out of the tack room with a saddle and headed for the door. “Let’s see if you do speak horse.”

“You got a text,” she said.

“I’ll answer it later.”

She should’ve

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