Taming a Texas Rascal (Bad Boy Ranch #6) - Katie Lane Page 0,32

realize how much was going on.”

“You’re wrong,” Sawyer said. “There was nothing going between Maisy and me at the wedding. It happened in Houston.”

Lincoln’s eyes narrowed on Sawyer. “When you were there for the rodeo?” He rose to his feet. “So she was the woman singing.”

Before he could dive over the desk, Sawyer tried to explain. “I didn’t know it was her, Linc. The night before I got drunk on tequila and I didn’t know who I’d brought back to the hotel.”

“You were drunk? And what about Maisy? Was she drunk too? Did you take advantage of her?”

Maisy cut in. “Actually, it was more the other way around. I wasn’t nearly as drunk when I took him back to his hotel room.”

Sawyer knew she was only saying that to save him from getting his ass whipped. And Lincoln knew it too.

“You took advantage of Sawyer?” Lincoln snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“I did,” Maisy said indignantly. “Women can take advantage of drunk men. It doesn’t always have to be the other way around. I’ve wanted to go to bed with Sawyer for a long time. When I saw my opportunity, I took it. That’s the honest to God truth.”

If she hadn’t thrown God in there, Sawyer would’ve continued to think she was lying to save his butt. But Maisy wasn’t a person who used God’s name in vain. The way her cheeks flushed pink when everyone stared at her in shock made him realize she was telling the truth. He felt blindsided. He’d always thought Maisy felt the same way about him as he felt for her. They were rodeo friends. That was it. Their tequila night had just been an alcohol-induced fluke.

Except it hadn’t been just a fluke.

She had wanted him.

And damned if that knowledge didn’t change everything.

He should feel used. He didn’t. He felt . . . hell, he didn’t know what he felt.

“Well, there you have it,” Dixie said. “Sawyer didn’t take advantage of Maisy. Now sit your butt down, Lincoln Hayes, and stop acting so self-righteous. It’s not like you’ve never had a drunken night of sex before. The first time we ever had sex, you were drunk and I took advantage of you.” Lincoln’s face turned red. He sat back down as his wife continued. “Okay, so we now know what happened, why it happened, and how it happened. Now we just have to figure out how to deal with the results of your wild night of sex.”

“I’m not pregnant,” Maisy said. “I was only looking at pregnancy tests at the pharmacy because I wanted to prove to Sawyer that I’m not.” She looked at Sawyer. “Luanne saw me and spread the gossip at the meeting. Miss Gertie just assumed it was a Double Diamond bad boy. And since you are the only single one, you got the blame.”

Sawyer wanted to believe her, but it was getting damned hard. “Then who was Devlin and Dixie talking about last night at Cotton-Eyed Joe’s?”

Dixie laughed. “So that’s what you were doing at Maisy’s trailer last night and why you looked so panicked. I wasn’t talking about Maisy, honey. I was talking about Reba.”

“Reba’s pregnant?” Maisy asked.

Dixie nodded. “She wanted to keep it a secret until after Devlin and Penny’s baby shower so she wouldn’t take away from their celebration. But Devlin overheard her throwing up in Cotton-Eyed Joe’s bathroom. Poor Reba has horrible morning sickness.”

Maisy turned to Sawyer. “See? I’m not pregnant.”

Sawyer might have felt relief if not for one small detail. “You might not be who Dixie was talking about, but you still could be pregnant. Especially when you lied about starting your period.”

“I only lied to you because I didn’t want you to worry that I was pregnant when I’m not.” She swallowed hard. “And because I didn’t want you to hate me for taking you away from the rodeo.”

Taking him away from the rodeo? It took him a second to figure out what she was talking about. She didn’t want to be the one responsible for taking him away from something he loved if she should turn out to be pregnant. He’d acted like such an ass when he discovered she wasn’t on birth control, she had thought he would be happier not knowing if there was a baby.

She was wrong.

He blew out his breath and rubbed a hand over his face before he looked at her. “I’m not your daddy, Maze. I can’t just walk off and turn my back on my own kid. If it

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