Taming Hollywood's Baddest Boy - Max Monroe Page 0,93

make sure Denny from lighting got all the cables and outlets he needed.

But I don’t even make it halfway toward his makeshift office before I’m pulled away from the task.

“Billie!” Serena calls out from her spot beside the director of the movie. They sit in director’s chairs and are watching playback from one of the cameras. “Come over here for just a second!”

I close the distance between us, and she smiles.

“I’ve been trying to catch up with you today, but you’ve been a busy little bee.”

“A lot of little random things, you know.” I shrug. “Is everything okay?”

“It is.” Her smile grows. “I just wanted you to know that, even when I don’t actually see all of the things you’ve been doing, I’m hearing about them. From Luca. From Lucy. From everyone. And, Billie, you’re doing a fantastic job on this project. Just…fantastic. You’re anticipating needs. You’re following up. You’re preventing catastrophes that even I wouldn’t have seen coming. I didn’t want you to think your work goes unnoticed.”

“Wow,” I say, voice quiet and surprised. “Thank you… I don’t know what else to say…”

“You don’t need to say anything else.” She grins. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m glad you’re on my team.”

“Will do.” I nod. “So…is that all you needed?” I question. “Because I was on my way over to find Denny.”

“Everything okay?”

“Of course, yeah. There was a bit of an issue yesterday, but I think we ironed it out. Nothing for you to worry about,” I answer confidently, and then add, “Oh hey, by the way, just want to make you aware, the makeup department was running low on quite a bit of stuff. I checked with Callie, and she said we were well below budget. So, if you see a large Sephora shipment arriving today at three, do not panic.”

“Got it,” she says through a laugh. “I swear, you remind me so much of myself at your age,” she adds. “I fucking love it.”

Holy hell, Serena Koontz just compared me to…Serena Koontz?

It’s like I’ve died and gone to Hollywood heaven.

I’m high off her words, off her compliments.

And I’m so fucking proud of myself.

But as I’m heading back to check on Denny and replaying her words in my mind, I can’t stop myself from really understanding. From really realizing.

Luca was one of the people who told Serena I’m doing a good job.

Luca is also the one person who has been giving me little updates on any issues he overhears or sees going on with the cast and crew. Because of his nearly constant insights for the past few weeks, I’ve learned so much, and I’ve grown more aware of the things I need to be looking out for on a daily basis.

The one man who broke my fucking heart is the same man who is a major part of why Serena said the things she said.

On the one hand, I loathe him. On the other hand, I’m secretly grateful for him.

Fuck. The realization of it all makes my head want to explode.


I guess putting lipstick on a pig can make it look good. Maybe, just maybe, Hollywood doesn’t have to be so bad.

“Luca?” Adele’s voice crackles through the speakers of my car. “You still there?”

“Yeah, Adele, I’m here.”

“Fuck a duck, why is this reception shit? Have you switched your cell to a goddamn potato?”

“No potatoes here.” A chuckle jumps from my lungs. “Just me, my cell phone, and my car sitting in awful LA traffic.”

“Fucking LA traffic,” she mutters.

“What do you need, Adele?”

“Just want to check in with you,” she responds, and I can hear her inhale smoke into her lungs. She blows it out one breath later. “Make sure you’re doing okay.”

“Things are going pretty well.”

“Good to hear, kid,” she answers, voice throaty. “Did you ever get in touch with your sister?”

“No,” I answer on a sigh. “I think I’ve left her about fifty voice mails at this point, but she hasn’t responded. I’m still trying, though.”

Once Adele tracked down Rocky’s new number, I’ve tried like hell to get in contact with her.

But she’s yet to answer or return any of my calls. At this stage in the reconnecting with my sister game, she’s even ignoring my text messages.

“You want me to try to schedule a meeting with her? I know some ways to get people to show up to places when they would otherwise refuse…”

I laugh. “While I appreciate the offer, I’ll handle it on my own.” I don’t think a kidnapping attempt is in

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