Taming Hollywood's Baddest Boy - Max Monroe Page 0,60

can’t see. Something I think he’s making the fuck up. “That’s it. Right there. The story’s there, written all over your face.”


I jump up from my seat and shove in my chair. I think it’s time to get moving and head home, away from all the psychoanalysis I didn’t ask for.

“What time do you think you two are going to head out?” Lou asks from the sink, clearly recognizing my agitation for what it is.

“Hopefully before ten.”

“Remember, if you want to borrow one of the four-wheelers, you can.” A sly grin appears on his lips. “Lord knows I don’t need two of them here. And you can hook up one of my small trailers to the back for Bailey. Billie’s ankle doesn’t need to make another thirty-mile hike anyway.”

He has a point. Even though Billie managed the rest of the hike without too much trouble, there’s no doubt in my mind she’s still dealing with some discomfort.

My girl is a strong little thing.

Wait…what? My girl?

Billie is strong, but she’s not my girl. She’s not my anything.

You sure about that?

“You okay over there, Lucky?” Lou asks, and I move my eyes back to him. He stands with his hip resting against the kitchen counter, just looking at me like I’ve grown two heads.

“Just a little tired, is all. And thanks. I’m sure Billie would appreciate that.”

“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” he asks and waggles his brows.

“Jesus. You don’t give up, do you?”

He grins.

“And since you’re being such a pest, I’m taking one of the four-wheelers and a trailer, and I’m not bringing them back.”

“Whatever helps you avoid what you should be facing, Luck.” He smirks. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got a tractor to piddle around with in the garage.”

The tractor he speaks of is about a hundred years old and has been broken for as long as I’ve known Lou. All rusted-out and leaking oil, it will take a damn miracle to get it working again.

“I’ll let you know when we’re getting ready to head out.”

He waves his hand over his shoulder and walks toward the garage.

And I make a fresh cup of coffee and head back upstairs.

Sleeping Beauty is still there, all sprawled out on the bed.

Fuck me. It’s almost painful how damn beautiful she is.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and set the cup of coffee on the nightstand.

“Good morning,” I say quietly, gently running my fingers down her exposed arm, and then, her exposed thigh.

Billie stirs and groans, and it only takes a little more of my pestering before her sleepy green eyes are looking back at mine.

“Hey there,” I say, but she’s too busy looking toward the nightstand.

“Is that coffee?”

“It is.”

“For me?”

I nod my head, but she sits up from the bed faster than I can get the word yes out of my mouth.

“Oh, praise Jesus,” she says, and I laugh.

“I take it coffee is a morning ritual of yours.”

“Are you kidding me?” She stares at me like I’ve just said pigs can fly. “Coffee is my everything. I drink it morning, noon, and night. I don’t know how I’ve made it through the last three days without going through withdrawals.”

“Well, by all means, take a sip and keep that caffeine addiction of yours going.”

“Thank you.” She giggles and does just that.

And my stupid eyes can’t seem to pull away from her perfect lips as they touch the cup and let the coffee flow into her mouth.

Good God, get it together.

“We’re going to need to head out soon,” I update, and she nods, her hands still firmly wrapped around the mug. “But you probably have time to take another hot shower if you want.”

She releases one hand from the cup to fist-pump the air. “Oh my stars, this day just keeps getting better and better!”

“And I have one more very important thing to tell you.”

She tilts her cute little head to the side.

“We’re going to take a different route on the way back.”

“Okay… But please tell me it isn’t a longer route…”

“It is,” I answer, and her face falls. “But that’s because we’re taking one of Lou’s four-wheelers.”

“Hold on.” She sets her coffee back on the nightstand and scoots closer to me, sitting up on her knees. “Say that one more time.”

“I know you’re probably disappointed, but we’re not hiking back. We’re taking one of Lou’s four-wheelers.”

Like a rocket, Billie dives into me so hard that I fall back onto the mattress.

But she doesn’t stop there.

With her hot, bare-of-clothes body sprawled

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