Taming Coyote - E.C. Land Page 0,10

a patient. Some people don’t understand what doctors and nurses feel when those situations occur. It’s not easy trying to stay unattached to emotions.

Inserting the key, I start my girl up. I’m proud to say with all my hard work, I’d bought and paid for her in full. A six-speed manual transmission Chevrolet Camaro. Yea I’m proud to say this baby is mine and I love it. I’d wanted a blacked-out Camaro with black and purple interior.

It might sound silly, but I love the way it looks.

Making it to my place in no time, I cut the engine and get out and head for the door. As I try to find the key, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings like Grigory always got on me about.

Right as I open my door, I’m shoved from behind. Unable to catch myself, my head hits the door before I fall to the floor.

“Stupid fuckin’, bitch. Did you think I wouldn’t find you?” Turning my head to see who my attacker was, I realize it’s Milley’s brother, Mason. The other guy who’d been with him stands directly behind him along with two other men.

“What do you want?” I ask as I stand up to face them.

“First of all, I want to know where the kid is,” he sneers.

“I don’t know,” I respond. I won’t let him know where Cody is. That won’t happen. No child should be a pawn.

A slap to my face told me he didn’t like my answer.

“Don’t bullshit me, bitch. Tell me where he is and I might consider leaving you be.” I want to vomit at the way he leers at my body.

“I really don’t know,” I mutter.

“Guess you want to learn the hard way,” Mason grins, sadistically. Stepping back, he lets the guy who’d been right behind him come forward.

Inching backwards, I do my best to try and think of a way to escape these men. The blank dark look I’m receiving is one I know will haunt me.

“Last chance to tell me where that bastard is,” Mason states.

“Go to hell,” I snap and do the only thing I can, turn and make a run for my room. Hoping maybe a barrier between them and me will bide me enough time to at least call for help.

I make it as far as my bedroom door when the jerk catches me by the arm. “Not so fast, bitch. You caused me to lose something that belonged to me.” The first punch to my stomach was painful enough; however, the punches he continued to rain down on me were more than I could take.

But nothing compares to when he draws a pocketknife out and uses it to shear my hair. Too weak from the beating he’d already rained down I’m not able to fight him off me.

“I’m going to leave you a little reminder of this day for not telling us where the brat is. But don’t worry we’ll find him and when we do, I’ll kill him in front of you,” he taunts, pressing the tip of the blade of the knife along the edge of my face.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I refuse to allow them the pleasure of hearing my pain.

“Sam, I think this little bitch has learned her lesson for now,” Mason says as he kneels down next to my head. Pressing a finger into the blood flowing from the cut he twists the digit into my skin. “If you think this is the only lesson you’ll get, be advised, it’s not. Until I have that bastard, I will rain hell on you before I allow Sam to kill you. Next time I come for you; we’ll be doing far worse than this beating.”

Standing, Mason delivers one last swift kick to my stomach before storming away from where I laid on the floor in the hallway. “Let’s get the hell out of here. We have shit to do,” he commands.

The guy who’d beaten me, Sam, grunts and kneels down once more. “See you around,” he says, gripping the hair I have left. Lifting my head by my hair, he licks my face prior to slamming my head against the floor.

My last thoughts were of keeping Cody safe. I’d do anything for him even if it’s never seeing him again.

Chapter Six


Being woken up to cries in the middle of the night is completely new to me. It sucks that I feel guilty I hadn’t found a place yet, and my brothers probably get woken up by

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