Taming of the Beast (Scandalous Affairs #2) - Christi Caldwell Page 0,92

almost reflexively in her hair.

Her hips moved in time to his, his pleasure fueling her own.

Faye licked him up and down, suckling his head.

“I can’t,” he rasped. “It’s too much.” And then, dragging her to her feet, he reversed them, bringing Faye down so the desk was a crude mattress under them.

And she didn’t care.

She didn’t care about anything but him and knowing him in this way and letting passion blaze unrestrained between them.

Holding her arms up, she let her legs fall open, and he was already stepping between them. She lifted her hips, seeking him. “Please, Tynan,” she begged, more than half fearing this was another one of his games and he’d deny her that which she needed most, and she’d wither and die if this ache went unfulfilled.

With a growl, he took her by the hips, dragging her closer to the edge of the table, and then, with one rapid flex of his hips, he thrust home.

She cried out at the suddenness of that intrusion.

His enormous shaft filled her tight channel, and her body throbbed with the unexpectedness of him deep inside.

He went absolutely still. Panting, sweat dripping from his brow, he stared down with horror slowly rounding his eyes. Sparks of rage flickered through the desire there. Shock filled his eyes. “What in hell, Faye?” he demanded. “You are…were a virgin,” he cursed, and made to pull out.

“Please, don’t stop,” she pleaded, forcing her lashes open, and when he refused to comply, just remained motionless, buried inside her, she wrapped her legs around his hips, folded her arms around his waist, and lifted into him. “Please let me have this moment.” With you.

The gloriously chiseled planes of his face glistened with sweat and strain as he fought himself, and she silently cried out when he cursed and drew out of her.

But then he was carrying her over to the satin sofa. Laying her down, he came down over her, sliding into her but this time with an infinite slowness before he began to move. He continued to flex his hips, deliberate at first, giving her body time to adjust to the size and feel of him.

And with his every glorious stroke, the pain receded, and every nerve heightened. Everything tunneled to that different, though familiar where this man was concerned, throbbing between her legs.

Then, lowering his head, he buried his face in her breasts.

A hiss exploded from her lips, and her hands came up to yank off his ridiculous wig. She tangled her fingers in his luxuriant dark strands, holding him there where she wanted him. The wet, suckling noises he made as he kissed her breasts added an erotic symphony that raised her desire to a fever pitch.

Biting her lip, Faye lifted into his strokes, that glorious pressure building inside.

He rotated his hips, rocking her slowly and gently, getting her accustomed her to the feel of him and the glide of his length within her tight channel.

But she didn’t want that restraint. Scraping her fingernails down his back, she lunged up with a greater urgency, bucking her hips against him. “Please,” she begged.

He kissed the lobe of her ear. “Please, what?” he teased.

“Make love to me,” she whispered, holding his gaze. “As you want to. As I want you to.”

He held her gaze, disabusing her of the romantic notions. “I don’t make love. I fuck.” He brought his lips close to her mouth, and then stopped with just a breath between them. “Do you want to be fucked, Faye?”

“Yess!” she hissed. “Oh, God. Yes!”

With a growl, Tynan let go of the restraint he’d seemed determined to show and gave her what she sought.

Catching her hands in his larger one, Tynan stretched them high above her head and slammed into her.

Crying out, Faye arched her back and took all of him. Her body trembled under him. Against him.

“Is this how you want it, Faye?” he whispered against her mouth, continuing to withdraw and thrust. Over and over, he took her as she’d been hungering for him to do, with a wildness she’d only read of in that forbidden book and dreamed of.

“Yes! Yes!” She keened, lifting into his every thrust, taking him and, with every glorious, wild undulation of her hips, giving in return.

Sweat beaded at his brow and slipped down his cheek and found a place in the deep vee between her breasts.

Tynan leaned down and worshiped that flesh.

Faye moaned, lifting her hips in time to his lunges. She wrapped her legs around his waist and

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