Taming of the Beast (Scandalous Affairs #2) - Christi Caldwell Page 0,78

didn’t possess in height, his stocky form made up for in strength.

She went absolutely motionless. Oh, God.

Through the haze of terror, she registered Tynan, just several paces away.

Cool metal touched her neck, and she went absolutely motionless as the sharp prick of a blade kissed her skin.

“Stop right there.” The man directed that Tynan’s way.

Tynan, with ashen skin and fear-filled eyes, said in measured tones, “Don’t move, love.” All his focus was directed at the brute holding her.

Her heart thundered. Fetid breath, heavy with ale and garlic, filled her senses, and she gagged. “Oh, bloody hell,” she whispered breathlessly. “I don’t suppose it’s too much to hope that he’s another one sent by the boys—”

“I am afraid not,” Tynan said tightly.

With every word they exchanged, he edged closer. Ever closer.

“Oh.” Faye caught her lower lip between her teeth. She’d been careless when he’d warned her about the dangers around her. “Well, you must certainly see the reason for my hope.”

“I do, but alas, this particular fellow I’ve not met before,” he said from the corner of his mouth, taking a slight step toward her. As he approached, some of her fear ebbed.

“Th-that is unfortunate,” she allowed, focusing on him and not the cold steel against her skin. “Though it pains me to admit you were right about my rushing about—”

“Would you two shut your goddamned mouths?” the bear behind her growled, giving her a hard shake. The tip of his dagger pierced her skin, and she immediately pressed her eyes shut. “Now, you there, Wylie. Don’t come a step closer.”

Holding his palms up, Tynan came to an abrupt stop.


He’d addressed him by name, which meant he knew him. Which meant…

Something wet trailed down her neck.

Blood. It is blood… My blood.

Panic rolled through her like a wave, threatening to pull her under.

“She is something of a magpie, isn’t she? Runs on and on,” Tynan drawled. His droll tone brought her eyes flying open. “Let me take her off your hands.” He flexed his fingers as if beckoning the other man to release her. Tynan took another step closer.

“Shut ye goddamned mouth,” her captor barked, and the blade quivered against her neck. “And I’ve already said dinna come any closer.”

Tynan stopped. “Of course,” he murmured.

Pressed against the stranger as she was, she felt the sough of his breath on her skin. “Ye’ve been freed, Wylie, but that can be changed if ye go about attemptin’ to secure a post that isna yers anymore,” he said, his brogue so thick and guttural she struggled to make out his words.

Tynan stiffened. “Sent by Hinton, were you,” he said carefully.

“Sent by those who want the prison run exactly as it’s run and who won’t think anything about recalling ye back to yer cell if ye persist in going to Lothian. Find another. Newgate’s taken.”

“Who is Lothian?” Faye whispered.

Tynan gave his head a slight shake.

The brute tightened his hold upon her. “And let this be a warning that those same people are aware ye have weaknesses that can be used to see that you do comply.”

“She doesn’t mean anything to me,” Tynan said in bored tones.

Faye bit the inside of her cheek. Odd that she should find herself facing down death, and in the most gruesome way, and yet, pain struck at Tynan’s words.

She felt the smirk in her captor’s words as he spoke. “Well, there are people who think she does, and the fact that ye’re seekin’ to have her set free makes me think he’s right.”

With that, he shoved Faye hard at Tynan, and she went flying.

He caught her to him.

The rapid thump, thump, thump of her captor’s footfalls striking the cobblestones indicated he’d fled.

Faye collapsed against Tynan, and he immediately folded his arms around her, enveloping her in so much warmth. He ran his hands over her back, a gentle massage, but also similar to his touch a short while ago when he’d sought to reassure himself that she was unhurt after her encounter with Bragger. Against the fabric of Tynan’s thick wool cloak, she heard the rapid thump of his heart, steady and strong and reassuring.

She braced for more chastisement.

“You’re all right?” he asked gruffly, his query a ragged whisper against her temple.

Faye managed a slight nod.

Chapter 19

A short while after their row in the streets and the two assaults upon Faye, Tynan found himself ushering her through the rear entry of the house he kept for Finn and the other children.

And let this be a warning that those same people are

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