Taming of the Beast (Scandalous Affairs #2) - Christi Caldwell Page 0,30

at the same time.

“Committing or resolving crimes.”

Tynan stared on, for the first time completely and thoroughly befuddled.

The two women shared a look. “You’d expect a man with criminal dealings should know these things,” Faye’s friend was saying.

“I’m right here,” he barked.

Alas, grown men with almost two feet on the women before him had jumped under that sign of Tynan’s displeasure and annoyance.

The pair before him continued prattling on like two ladies gossiping over tea and not conversing in the kitchen of one of the most ruthless men in England.

“A word, Miss Poplar,” he bit out through tightly gritted teeth.

Alas, she’d have to have been listening to have heard. Instead, she and her friend spoke loudly enough to drown out his request.

He glanced down at an equally bemused Finn staring up at him.

“You did this?” Tynan said drolly.

The little boy lifted his shoulders. “They had peppermints and lemon drops.”

“Yes, well, I can hardly compete with that,” he said under his breath and looked toward the pair of respectable English misses.

Tynan made a deliberate clearing noise with his throat. “A word, Miss Poplar,” Tynan said again, louder this time.

Both women glanced his way, and then in perfect unison, they inclined their heads.

“Alone,” Tynan clarified.

In a display that was equal parts stupid and equal parts brave, Faye’s equally smallish-sized friend placed herself between Faye and Tynan.

As she’d done moments before, Faye caught the other woman’s hand and patted it several times. “I assure you I’m quite safe.”

How could she be so confident?

“Oh, yes. I’ve no worries there,” the strange young lady said in that creepy voice that managed to elicit a chill even in him. “He’s not so very scary.”

And damned if the chit didn’t sound wholly let down by that disappointing discovery.

“I am,” he shouted. “I’m very scary and very threatening and very dangerous.”

Instead of being turned away by that thunderous shout, Faye quit her friend’s side and joined him. Much the way his mother had done when he was a boy who’d quarreled with the boys in the workhouse, Faye caught Tynan’s hand and gave it one of those reassuring little pats. “Of course you are,” she said soothingly. “You are very scary and very threatening and very…”

“Dangerous,” Daria whispered.

“Yes, yes, that is it,” Faye said, still holding his hand. “Very dangerous. You are that, too.”

He’d stepped inside a damned Punch and Judy show, and he was the damned butt of the performance. There was no other accounting for this. Tynan gnashed his teeth.

The little boy at his side pressed a hand to his mouth, but not before Tynan caught the smile there.

Splendid. The chit not only didn’t fear him, but she’d turned him into a laughingstock.

A low growl started somewhere low in his chest. It rumbled and worked its way up and emerged from Tynan’s throat garbled.

Faye released her hold upon his hand and looked to her friend and Finn. “A moment, if you will?” Faye’s gentle murmurings immediately saw the kitchen emptied, with Daria leading the way and Finn following close behind.

Until Tynan and Faye were alone.

“Now, Miss Poplar,” he began, stalking over to her. “Let it be clear. If anyone is doing any of the ordering within this household? It is me,” he seethed when he reached her. At last, he’d penetrated the bizarre fearlessness this woman seemed to be in possession of where he was concerned. The dark slashes of her well-formed eyebrows dipped low and came together. Good. He’d unsettled her. Tynan lowered his face close to hers. “I order—”

“I was not ordering anyone about,” she blurted. “Or, that wasn’t my intention.” He opened his mouth. “Did I sound rude?” He tried again. “I should apologize. A moment, please.” With that, she headed for the door.

“For the love of Christ, will you quit, woman?” he bellowed.

This time, Faye jumped.

There came a beat of silence and then…


The hinges of the door squealed as Faye’s fearless friend shoved the panel open a crack.

Stepping around him, Faye hurried over to the door to meet the other young lady. “I’m quite fine,” she said in more of those not-so-faint whispers that perfectly reached Tynan.

“See, Oi told ye ’is bark’s worse than ’is bite, it is.” Finn’s assurances came just beyond Daria’s shoulder.

Tynan scrubbed his hands over his face. What had become of him? He had women unaffected by him and a child believing he was in some way decent. The world had gotten flipped upside down. And there was only one reason for it. He let his arms fall to

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