Talking Dirty with the CEO - By Jackie Ashenden Page 0,31

“No,” she gasped, “No…please…don’t stop.” Her legs tightened around his waist as if preventing his escape, her hands gripping his shoulders for dear life.

He took a shuddering breath. “Do you want it, honey? Shall I end it now?”

Christie turned her head, seeking and finding his mouth, kissing him passionately, giving him the answer he needed. In response he began to move hard and fast inside her, driving them both toward the edge and then, in a blaze of light, over it.

She cried out, wild and helpless before the pleasure that engulfed her, hardly noticing when Joseph turned his face into her hair, his groan of release a warm vibration against her neck as it took him as well.

Afterward, Christie lay panting beneath him. She felt as if she’d been shattered into thousands of pieces and then put back together again, creating something new. Something different.

Something wonderful.

Joseph lay on his back, trying to catch his breath. Trying to figure out just what the hell had happened. Because he was pretty sure something had. Something along the lines of Christie St. John blowing his freaking mind.

Patience had never been his thing, and yet he’d found himself not only having to fight his basic instinct to immediately throw her on the bed and have her hard and fast, but wanting to fight it, too. Wanting to take it slow.

The vulnerability beneath her defiance as she’d pulled off her T-shirt had touched him on a level he didn’t know he possessed. Had made him aware of the trust she’d placed in him. Made him feel so crazily protective, a feeling he’d never experienced about a lover before.

What the hell had she done to him?

He turned his head.

Christie lay on her stomach, her chin pillowed on her hands, watching him. Glossy russet curls cascaded all over the pale skin of her back, her shoulders, her arms, and he couldn’t resist the urge to touch it, letting the silky strands sift through his fingers.

She grinned. “Now, about that interview.”

Joseph laughed. “Seriously?”

“What? You think I came here just for the sex?”

“Actually, yeah.”

“Okay, so maybe I did.”

Joseph wound a curl around one finger, stroking his thumb back and forward across it. “Of course you did. I’m irresistible.”

“Wow, smug much?”

“Hey, I’ve got a gorgeous woman in my bed who’s responsive to my every whim. Smug is only half of it.”

Even in the darkness of the room, he could see the pink rising over her skin. “Your every whim? You wish.” She blinked and glanced away, looking suddenly uncomfortable. “So…uh…what do we do now? Do you want me to go? Or stay? Or…what?”

Joseph stopped rubbing the curl between his fingers. “Why on earth would I want you to go?”

“I don’t know, but you might.” She began to smooth the white cotton of her pillow with her hands. “Sorry, that’s probably a dumb question but…well, the only men I’ve slept with, I’ve been in a relationship with.”

Joseph let out a soft breath. He reached out, pulling her into the circle of his arms, her back pressed up against his stomach, the curve of her bottom fitting in the hollow of his groin. Jesus, he was getting hard again.

“Did I say I wanted you to go?” he growled into the sweet-smelling curve of her neck.

“No.” A soft denial, but he could feel tension in her as she rested against him.

The smart move would be to let her go now, before she got hurt. Before she started to expect things from him he’d never be able to give her. But the sad fact was, he didn’t want to. Not now. He wanted a whole night with her and, dammit, he was going to have it.

“Right,” he said softly. “Let’s clear up these expectations now then, okay?”

She remained tense. “Okay.”

Joseph rolled her onto her back so he could see her face. Her eyes had that wary look again, which wasn’t acceptable. Not after the the passionate way she’d screamed his name.

“One night, Christie. I want one whole night with you.”

The lights of the city outside played over her pale skin. “One night, huh?”

“Yes.” He touched her cheek delicately. “Be with me, Naughtygirl.”

“Okay, but tomorrow I’m gone. I’m…not looking for anything else.”

“I get that. I don’t want that, either.”

She was silent a moment. Then her hand lifted, fingers circling his wrist. She turned her head and bit the tip of his finger. Surprise and a jolt of pure lust went through him.

Unpredictable woman. Fascinating woman.

He sighed and kissed her, hard and hungry. They made love Copyright 2016 - 2024