Talk Hockey to Me (Bears Hockey #3) - Kelly Jamieson Page 0,48

out in a tiny pout. “I didn’t understand that at the time.”

“I know.” I nudge her shoulder with mine.

“For the record, I did realize you weren’t an asshole fairly quickly.” She pauses. “I may have had a little crush on you.”

I don’t move. I gaze into her gorgeous blue eyes, shadowy in the darkness. I clear my throat. “You did?”

One corner of her mouth lifts. “Yeah. I almost asked you out once.” Her eyelashes lower. “But you were going out with Tandy.”

My heart squeezes. “Ah. Fuck.”

Her eyelashes lift again. “Why?”

“Because…I liked you, too.”

Her eyebrows pull together. “Then why did you go out with Tandy?”

“I thought you were with Bryson.”

Her lips part. “We were just friends!”

“Yeah, I found that out later.”

“Oh my God.” She stares at me.

“Then…that day we went to Bingo’s, after I found you in the gym…”


I roll my eyes. “You were overwhelmed. I hated seeing you cry. You were always so strong. It killed me.”

She blinks.

“I was going to ask you out…but I found you in the kitchen kissing that architecture fuckface.”

She chokes and lowers her forehead to her hands, her shoulders shaking. “Henry.”


Then she lifts her head, sobering. “You know…I sort of hoped you were asking me to that party because you liked me…but I thought we were just friends, and…”

“I know.”

“And then you started dating Colette.”


“Another puck bunny you didn’t really care about.”


Her eyes widen and her lips part. “Hunter…”

My smile goes crooked as she puts things together. “Yeah.”

She swallows. “You broke up with her because of me. Because she didn’t want you to be friends with me.”

I nod sadly. “You were right. She didn’t like you. But it was because she was jealous. She thought I had feelings for you.”

Her breath catches.

The words are on my lips. I shouldn’t say them. But hell. We’re confessing all kinds of shit. I hold Kate’s gaze and brush my fingertips over her cheek. “She wasn’t wrong.”

She stares at me, her eyes growing shiny. The silence between us stretches out. “Oh, Hunter. Really?”


“Oh my God. How could we have been so stupid?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. It happened. And then…”

“Cancun,” she finishes for me.


“But…you left. You didn’t even tell me you were going, or say good-bye, or…” She stops. Her chin quivers.

“I know. I didn’t have a lot of time, though. The only flight that day left early and I had to get to New Jersey.”

She nods slowly. “I figured that out. But I…was hurt.”

“Aw, fuck.” I stare at her in dismay. “Really? I thought we were both just wasted and having fun.”

“I know.” She bites her bottom lip. “But I realized…I wanted more.”

“Fuck me.” I let my head drop back and stare up at the roof of the car.

She curls her fingers over my hand and squeezes. “I was happy for you. I understood why you left.”

“You were going back to Chicago to go to law school.”

“Yeah.” The word pulses with regret.

I turn my head and our eyes meet again. “Kate.”


The air pulses around us. “Is it too late?”

She pulls her lip between her teeth again. “It’s not too late. But…this might not be the best time.”

I give a tiny nod. “I get what you’re saying. But after those years that we wasted on other people, when we really wanted each other…let’s not do that again.”

She stares back at me. “What does that mean?”

“Can we…try?”

She pulls in a shaky breath and dips her head. “I want to…try.”

I cup her cheek and peer into her eyes. “Me too.”

We barely get inside her condo and she’s in my arms, her arms wound around my neck, and our mouths crash together.

I make a low noise as I crush her to me, devouring her mouth, sliding my tongue inside, tasting her. She whimpers, opening to me, her tongue playing with mine.

My dick presses into her eagerly and she arches closer. I slide my mouth to her cheek, her jaw, then her throat as her head falls back.

“Oh God.”

I suck gently on delicate skin, then lick her. “You’re gorgeous.” I nip her shoulder.

My hands go to her tight little ass again and I hoist her up. She immediately wraps her legs around me. I walk to the door of her bedroom and push it fully open with one foot.

Nice big bed, right there. It’s a small room, only a couple of steps until we fall onto the mattress together, arms and legs twined around each other, kissing desperately, hands roaming everywhere.

Oh fuck. Oh Jesus. She feels fucking amazing, her mouth hot and wet Copyright 2016 - 2024