Talk Hockey to Me (Bears Hockey #3) - Kelly Jamieson Page 0,35

and the kids are gleeful. The balloon I take in the face isn’t one I wanted; I didn’t see that one coming. I shake water out of my eyes and hair and swipe at my face. Nira hands me a towel, grinning.

I hear a voice behind me. “Hunter?”

That sounds like Kate. I turn quickly, then stumble back. It’s the New York Bears mascot.

A bear, naturally. Wearing a hockey jersey. But the face…Jesus fucking Christ. The eyes are evil and that big smile with teeth showing is creepy as fuck.

I save myself from falling on my ass on the grass.

The bear lifts a hand and does a circular wave at me.

What the fuck?

“It’s Orson!” a couple of boys cry, running at the bear to throw their arms around its legs.

They’re better men than me.

My shirt is already wet, which is actually good so people can’t see the sweat soaking through it. My armpits prickle and my legs feel weak. I rub my mouth. I have to get out of here.

Since Orson is distracting the kids, I bolt back toward the food truck. There was a big trash can there I can puke in if I need to.


I don’t turn to see who’s calling me, although weirdly it sounds like Kate again.

At the food truck, I keep an eye out from a distance. I spot one of the Bears players talking to Orson. Hey, that’s Kevin Beaven, one of Kate’s clients. One of the guys I talked to about her. As long as they stay over there, I’m good. Also, I warily watch the big black and white spotted Dalmatian with a huge black firefighter hat, and the giant Pikachu. I suck air into my lungs and hope my heart slows down before I have a heart attack worse than Vern’s.

How the hell did I get myself into this? Fucking Hakim. He owes me big time.

I order a hot dog, mostly for something to do so I don’t look like an idiot, and I’m holding it in my hands when I see Orson bouncing toward me. Fuck no.

I look wildly around for an escape route. I start to move but Orson calls, “Hunter!”

I’m so fucked up right now. I stare at the goddamn bear running toward me. That bloodcurdling smile. Those spine-chilling eyes.

I toss my hotdog into the trash can, turn and start run-walking across the park, probably looking like a five year old about to pee his pants. I glance over my shoulder to see Orson in pursuit, now running, if you can call it that, the bear lumbering over the grass, waving his arms.

I nearly crash into a family, not watching where I’m going. “Sorry, sorry!”

I dart around them and glance back again just in time to see Orson trip over his big paws, er, feet…whatever…and go flying flat on the ground. I can hear the “oomph” from here.

A bunch of kids watching break into laughter, no doubt thinking this is part of Orson’s schtick. This is my chance to escape. But I pause. There’s a person in there (which makes it extra freaky, in my opinion).

I watch Orson struggle to get up in the bulky costume, rolling around on the ground. Kids are screaming with laughter. Fuuuuck me.

Heaving a sigh, I turn and jog back to the bear to help him up. I can do this. I can do this.

“Thank you!” Goddammit, that sounds like Kate.

What. The. Fuck.

I gape. “Kate?”

Orson’s hands go to the head of the costume to lift it off. Only it won’t come off.

My mouth drops open. My heart is still racing.

“Oh shit.” The voice inside the head comes out muffled, but it’s…Kate. “I can’t get this off. And my shoulder hurts.”

“Oh hell.” Did she hurt herself when she fell? “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. Help me!”

“I can’t.” I can’t get close enough to that disturbing face to help her. But it’s Kate.

“What?” Her voice is a muffled screech. “Hunter! I’m stuck in here! It’s bad enough barely being able to breath and…and I fell.” She lets out what sounds like a small sob. “I’m going to suffocate if I can’t get this off!”

People are still watching. If she takes the head off here, kids could be freaked out.

If she doesn’t take the head off, I’ll be freaked out. Okay, I already am.

“This way.” Swallowing, I take her paw and tug her toward the road. There’s a big rock outcropping on the other side. If we can get behind it, we’ll be hidden from the picnic.

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