A Tale of Two Goblins - By H. P. Mallory Page 0,64

Even though Dia, Knight and now Quill had all said it would be a suicide mission to fight the Dreamstalker in sleep, the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was the only way. Otherwise, we were stuck in a perpetual holding pattern; neither the Dreamstalker nor we were willing to budge. And I knew what the bastard was waiting for—me to finally admit that I needed to meet him on his turf, in dreams.

I turned on the iPad and connected to the Internet, continuing my research into lucid dreaming. I had to imagine this was my answer—if I could gain control of my dreams enough to use magic against the asshole, I could kill him.

I grabbed my backpack and rifled through it until I found a pen and a pad of paper. Then I started jotting down the keys to lucid dreaming, hoping that in writing them down, I’d commit them to memory.

7. Once I realize I’m dreaming, I can take control and alter the dream—changing things like the scenery, the characters, etc. (Note: maybe this would be important in case the Dreamstalker wants to meet me in his own territory.)

8. Pretty much anyone can learn lucid dreaming through motivation and effort. Spontaneous lucid dreams rarely occur. In order to create the lucid dream environment. I have to recognize the fact that I’m dreaming while I’m dreaming.

9. In order to learn lucid dreaming, dream recalling is imperative. Why? Because when I remember my dreams, I become familiar with them—their patterns. This way I can recognize a dream as it happens, thereby allowing me the opportunity to control it.

I glanced up from my notebook and tried to remember the last dream I’d had—I couldn’t recall dreaming at all when Dia had allowed me the sweet respite of an hour and a half. And the time I’d been asleep prior to that was when the Dreamstalker had nearly killed me. I wasn’t sure if that was a good dream to go on—I mean, it had been pretty much controlled by the Dreamstalker entirely so I had to admit the answer to that question was a definite no.

Like a blast from a past that hit me like an anvil over the head, I remembered the first explicit dream I’d ever had about Knight—in it he’d helped me get over Jack, my ex-asshole. Even though I wasn’t thrilled with the content of the dream because it was entirely X-rated, I forced myself to pay attention to it, to write down characteristics that might help me in the future. I had to practice, right?

I turned back to my notebook and continued writing.

Dream with Knight:

I was in my bedroom, naked in my bed. Jack was there and we’d been talking about the fact that he’d really screwed me up since our breakup— I could trace all my trust issues back to him. Jack had proceeded to seduce me and I’d been unable to stop him.

Then there was Knight. Knight told me to let go of Jack, to tell him he was now a part of my past.

I glanced up as I considered the dream—maybe it had been a pseudo lucid dream—I mean, I hadn’t realized I was dreaming but with Knight’s help, I was able to take control of the situation and force Jack into the background where eventually, he disappeared. Maybe I could do the same thing where the Dreamstalker was concerned?

Granted, in the Jack dream I required Knight’s assistance but maybe none of that mattered, especially since Knight said he was only able to interrupt my slumber, not control it. So, did that mean I was responsible for sending Jack away? Maybe it had just been the power of suggestion? Hmm… I’d never really know because I wasn’t about to ask Knight, not when the dream had involved him and his fingers in places I’d rather not think about...

The point was that I’d been able to take control in that dream so why wouldn’t I be able to recreate that same ability?

I turned back to the pad of paper and continued writing, trying to shake images of Knight and the things he did to my naked body.

4. How to take control of a dream: Dream Signs

1. Usually the sleeper can figure out if she’s sleeping by the fantastical elements in dreams—things like flying or seeing dead people. If I can figure out that these signs mean I’m dreaming, I can get control of my dream.

5. What to do if I

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