The Tale of the Body Thief Page 0,152

the switch back into it-that you do want to be Lestat in his old body again.

I laughed sadly to myself. How can I make that any plainer? I asked wearily. How in the hell can I make the switch again! That is the question upon which my sanity depends.

Well, first we must locate James. We shall devote our entire energy to finding nun. We shall not give up until we are convinced that there is no James to be found.

Again, you're making it sound so simple! How can such a thing be done?

Shhh, you're attracting needless attention, he said with quiet authority. Drink the orange juice. You need it. I'll order some more.

I don't need the orange juice and I don't need any more nursing, I said. Are you seriously suggesting that we have a chance of catching this fiend?

Lestat, as I told you before-think on the most obvious and unchangeable limitation of your former state. A vampire cannot move about in the day. A vampire is almost entirely helpless in the day. Granted, there is a reflex to reach out for and harm anyone disturbing his rest. But otherwise, he is helpless. And for some eight to twelve hours he must remain in one place. That gives us the traditional advantage, especially since we know so much about the being in question. And all we require is an opportunity to confront the creature, and confuse him sufficiently for the switch to be made. We can force it?

Yes, I know that we can. He can be knocked loose from that body long enough for you to get in.

David, I must tell you something. In this body I have no psychic power at all. I didn't have any when I was a mortal boy. I don't think I can . . . rise out of this body. I tried once in Georgetown. I couldn't budge from the flesh.

Anyone can do this little trick, Lestat; you were merely afraid. And some of what you learned in the vampiric body, you now carry with you. Obviously the preternatural cells gave you an advantage, but the mind itself does not forget. Obviously James took his mental powers from body to body. You must have taken some part of your knowledge with you as well.

Well, I was frightened. I've been afraid to try since-afraid I'd get out and then couldn't get back in.

I'll teach you how to rise out of the body. I'll teach you how to make a concerted assault upon James. And remember, there are two of us, Lestat. You and I together will make the assault. And I do have considerable psychic power, to use the simplest descriptive words for it. There are many things which I can do.

David, I shall be your slave for eternity in exchange for this. Anything you wish I will get for you. I shall go to the ends of the earth for you. If only this can be done.

He hesitated as if he wanted to make some small jesting comment, but then thought the better of it. And went right on.

We will begin with our lessons as soon as we can. But the more I consider it, I think it's best I jolt him out of the body. I can do it before he even realizes that you are there. Yes, that must be our game plan. He won't suspect me when he sees me. I can veil my thoughts from him easily enough. And that's another thing you must learn, to veil your thoughts.

But what if he recognizes you. David, he knows who you are. He remembers you. He spoke of you. What's to stop him from burning you alive the minute he sees you?

The place where the meeting occurs. He won't risk a little conflagration too near his person. And we shall be sure to ensnare him where he would not dare to show his powers at all. We may have to lure him into position. This requires thinking. And until we know how to find him, well, that part can wait.

We approach him in a crowd.

Or very near to sunrise, when he cannot risk a fire near his lair.


Now, let's try to make a fair assessment of his powers from the information we have in hand.

He paused as the waiter swooped down upon the table with one of those beautiful heavy silver-plated coffeepots which hotels of quality always possess. They have a patina like no other silver, and always several tiny little dents. Copyright 2016 - 2024