Taking On The Billionaire (Redhawk Reunion #1) - Robin Covington Page 0,55

her abdomen, still amazed. “I am.”

“And you love him.”

“I really do.” And God help her, she did. “Not that it matters now. I betrayed Adam. I lied to him and as far as he’s concerned, I’m in the same exact category as Franklin now. I really fucked it up.”

Mia was shaking her head like Tess was the dumbest human on the planet. “Then unfuck it.” She leaned forward, chin resting on her hand as she scrutinized her sister and the mess surrounding her. “Do the job he hired you to do. Then work on the rest.”

“I’m trying.”

“Really? To me it looks like your shredding and wallowing.”

“I’ve tried to call Adam. He sends me straight to voicemail and even Estelle is ignoring me. A couple of guys from Redhawk/Ling delivered the personal items I had in my office here to the house.” She was frustrated and her raised voice echoed off the walls of the room. “I’m trying to do my fucking job.”

“No. You’re trying to get the guy back. That’s not the job. And the Tess I know would never let voicemail and a cold shoulder keep her from doing the job.”

“Do the job...” Tess considered what Mia was saying. She had all of the information, the stuff Adam had paid her to find out about the person who was threatening Redhawk/Ling. And that person was still out there. She needed to put aside her broken heart and do the work she was hired to do. That meant getting her client the information he needed to save his company. She stood, tucking the relevant file in her bag. “I’m going to do my job.”

Mia clapped. “And get the guy back?”

Tess rolled her eyes. “One thing at a time, Mia. One thing at a time.”

She wasn’t here to get the guy back.

That’s what she kept telling herself. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to get Adam back, to erase all the lies that she’d let keep them apart and get back to the place where he looked at her like she was the beginning and the end of his world. What she wouldn’t give to once again hear the awe in his voice and the tenderness in his touch when he realized he was going to be a father. Her favorite pair of heels to whoever got her the chance to taste his kiss, to have his hands on her again.

But one look at his face and she knew that wasn’t how it was going to go down today.

She’d taken advantage of the night guards and breezed past them with a wave and a determined stride to the elevators. Once she’d arrived on his floor, Tess marched past his secretary, ignoring the gobsmacked expression on Estelle’s face and giving her no chance to call security or warn Adam. The only advantage she had was surprise and she used it to get into his office and shut the door behind her. The stupid glass walls ensured that everyone could see the show but Tess was beyond caring and she knew she was on borrowed time.

“Tess, what are you doing here?” Adam rose from his chair, his posture rigid, hands fisted at his sides. Dark shadows under his eyes testified that he hadn’t slept last night and that gave her courage.

“You hired me to do a job and I finish what I start.”

He was already shaking his head. “No. I’m pretty sure I fired you last night when I learned that you’ve been lying to me for months. We have nothing to say to each other.”

That pissed her off. “Considering that we’re going to have a baby together, I’d say we have a hell of lot to talk about in the future but that isn’t what I’m here about.” Tess moved toward him, ignoring the couch where not so long ago Adam had made love to her. She’d help save his company and then she’d save their future. “You hired me to find the mole and I did it.”

That got his attention. He moved from behind the shield of his desk and met her in the middle. He kept her at more than arm’s length but he was listening and that was good. “You did? When?”

“It all came together right before the fundraiser but I didn’t want to tell you in front of Franklin,” she answered, reaching into her bag to pull out the file with everything she’d found. Tess shifted toward the table, spreading out the papers, notes and screenshots. “The guy

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