Taking On The Billionaire (Redhawk Reunion #1) - Robin Covington Page 0,19

stars I saw here were shining down on my family...wherever they were.” Adam kissed her neck, noticing her little shiver at his touch and ramping back his surge of anticipation. Tess was here and there was no hurry. He buried his face in the soft fall of her hair, pressing kisses and tiny love bites over the exposed skin of her throat. “Pretty sappy, I know.”

“Not sappy,” she replied, nuzzling back. “Have you talked to your brother and sister?”

He nodded, resting his chin on her shoulder and his cheek against the silk of her hair as he recalled the phone calls it had taken him three hours of psyching himself up to make.

“Yeah. Roan was cool, running off to some gallery thing so he couldn’t talk long. We set up another time later this week.” Adam had been relieved to hear the genuine interest in his brother’s voice. “He sounded really glad to hear from me.”

“And Sarina?” Tess asked, the tentative edge to her voice betraying her worry.

“Sarina wasn’t an easy call.” He sighed, voicing the concerns that had almost kept him from hiring Tess to find his siblings. “When I first started looking for them, I was worried that they were dead, that I was too late. But, since I heard that you found them, I’ve been up nights worried that they wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”

Tess’s fingers wove together with his own, a squeeze that let him know he wasn’t alone. “Did Sarina say that to you?”

“No. No.” Adam replayed the very brief phone call with his sister. “She was just...flat. I’ve had more interest from Siri.”

“Keep trying. Sarina has had a hard life, built ways to protect herself.” Tess leaned back and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “She’s worth the extra work.”

“Have you met me? I’m never giving up on her. She’s my sister.” He paused, wondering how they’d swerved onto this topic. This wasn’t what he’d had planned and it wasn’t a place he wanted to be right now. Not when he had Tess in his arms under the stars. “Sorry. Pretty sappy.”

“You’re not sappy,” she repeated, her ass pressing against his rapidly hardening dick. “Pretty sweet and crazy sexy.”

“Sexier than being a rock star?” he teased, ghosting a kiss over her lips and relieved to be back on track for tonight’s planned events.

Tess chuckled at that, the laugh evolving into a moan as his lips grazed her earlobe and his hand traveled up her stomach, cupping her breast at its final destination. Her nipple was hard, jutting against the soft material of her dress, and he could not resist rubbing the pad of his thumb over it, softly pinching it and grinding his erection against her when she gasped and dug her fingernails into his thighs. The pinch of pain was electric, sending the aftershock of pleasure racing along his nerve endings, emphasizing every rub of his own hard nipples against the softness of his T-shirt, the press of his zipper against his long, stiff length.

This moment was the manifestation of a fantasy he’d lived on for months. His need for Tess had been there since the first meeting and he’d worked so hard not to give in and so had she; both were aware of the high-tension wire attraction that sizzled and snapped between them at every interaction. And here they were, on the verge of a moment that would destroy all of the carefully created walls that kept them apart for very good reasons. And while they’d agreed earlier, agreed to set everything on fire and contain the blaze, he wanted to be sure. They needed to be sure.

“Tess, I’ve got to know if this is still what you want,” he growled against the curve of her jaw, surrounded by the sweet scent of her citrus perfume and the arousal-fueled aroma of her skin. She was writhing against him, falling with him into the enticing bliss of their pleasure, and he needed to hear her say yes just one more time before he let them both fall over the edge. “We can stop if you want to. No repercussions, no fallout.”

Tess turned in his arms, backing up against the stone half wall as she met his gaze head-on. Her eyes were sharp with their intensity, clear even in the midst of the haze of sex they were currently stirring to life between them. He watched in fascination as she inched up the miniscule skirt of her dress, each tangle of

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