The Takeover - T.L. Swan Page 0,117

for a few drinks. Do you want to go?” Tristan leans in and whispers.

“Are you going?” I ask as I turn to Emily.

“Apparently.” She smirks into her wineglass. “I’ve had enough champagne for a lifetime . . . but whatever.”

“Me too.” I giggle, but it will be nice to get to know everyone in a not-so-formal setting. “Okay, sure, sounds good.”

We say our goodbyes, and twenty minutes later I find myself outside and waiting on the curb for a limo with Emily, the four Miles brothers, and Spencer Jones.

Everybody has had too much to drink, and we are cackling like schoolgirls. These guys are hilarious.

“Where the fuck is Seb?” Spencer frowns, looking around the crowd as people pour out of the function center.

“He’s with two girls inside,” Elliot replies as he types a message to someone on his phone.

“Jesus Christ,” Spencer whispers. “If he doesn’t hurry, we’re leaving without him.”

“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a fuck,” Elliot replies flatly.

Tristan takes his jacket off and puts it around my shoulders. He pulls me into his arms and smiles down at me. I have the urge to kiss him, but I won’t . . . everyone is here. He leans down and kisses me anyway, and I smile against his lips. He knows what I want.

Sebastian walks out with a gorgeous girl on each arm. “The girls are coming with us,” he announces.

“Hi, girls.” Everyone laughs.

“What’s your name?” Spencer asks the blonde as he picks up her hand and kisses it.

“Fuck off. She’s with me,” Sebastian says.

Spencer shrugs and turns to the brunette. “So . . . what’s your name?”

“Also with me,” Sebastian replies deadpan.

“Greedy prick,” Spencer snaps as he drops her hand like a hot potato.

“Get your own.” Sebastian winks to him.

We all laugh, and the girls cuddle closer into Sebastian. What the hell . . . two women?


I glance over to see Elliot and Christopher talking to a group of girls in the cab line. The women are all laughing on cue as the boys flirt up a storm. I imagine what these boys are like when they are out on the town together.

I wonder if Tristan has had two women before . . . of course he has. All these men have. Rich, funny, gorgeous, and intelligent.

The jackpot of eligible bachelors.

Tristan smiles goofily down at me and kisses me again. He really is quite tipsy.

And gorgeous.

Two limousines pull up, and Jameson opens the door. “Elliot, Christopher,” he calls as he helps Emily into the car. We all climb in, and Sebastian and Spencer and the girls climb into the car behind us.

“Club 42, please,” Tristan says.

“Sure thing.” The driver smiles as he pulls out into the traffic. The boys are loud and joking, and laughter is filling the car.

The car accelerates, and I smile as I get a rush of adrenaline.

This is a fun night.

I giggle as I watch Tristan and Christopher together. They’re like two peas in a pod.

They laugh at the same things, share private jokes, and finish each other’s sentences. Similar looking, almost identical personalities, and nowhere near what I thought they were. Warm and friendly, not a cold soul sucker in sight.

From what I can tell, Elliot and Jameson are similar and look alike too.

It’s late. Last time I looked, it was four o’clock in the morning, and we are now collectively drunk. We’re in a small nightclub kind of bar, and the boys must come here a lot because they know all the staff and the DJ.

There aren’t a lot of people left, and they’ve just called last drinks. I’ve had the best night ever. Emily and I have gotten on like a house on fire, and the boys are everything I never expected.

Kind and funny. Sarcastic like Tris, but lovely just the same.

“As I play the final song for the night,” the DJ says into the mic, “with the Miles boys in the house, I had to play their anthem. ‘Freak Me’ by Silk.” A tantric beat rings out.

Freak me, baby (ah, yeah)

Freak me, baby (mm, just like that)

Freak me, baby (ah, yeah)

The boys all laugh out loud and cheer. I’m instantly dragged to the dance floor, and the boys all begin to dance as if it’s the best song in the world.

Tristan pushes me out and then twirls me. “What is this song?” I laugh out loud as I am bounced back to his body with force.

He smiles down at me as he moves us to the beat. “This was our Copyright 2016 - 2024