Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,199

that’s the end of the rainbow for all of us, even vampires.”

Mel tilted her head up, closed her eyes so the sun could touch her face. Alanna saw her sadness, suffering for the two vampires she loved. “Nerida says it’s enough to have each other, because it has to be. She’s pragmatist and spiritualist both, and I think that helps Miah when she gets too bogged down in her emotions over it, over what will never be. Guess we all have to live with things like that, don’t we?”

“Yes.” Alanna felt the bite of that truth. Finding someone to love, to whom we can give our soul, that’s the end of the rainbow. “The more I discover about vampires, the more I realize how little I really knew about them, if that makes sense.”

“Truer words, Barbie.” Mel tugged her hair, which she’d braided for their sparring. “Hey, I’ll arm wrestle you. If I win, you take dish duty tonight. And don’t be a subby and volunteer to do them for me. I want to win the right to dump my least favorite chore on you, fair and square.”

“You’ll only cheat,” Alanna said archly. “Using your third-mark strength against me. Let me do them. You’re on the midnight shift, and your vampires will want to spend time with you. Evan will likely be painting and not need me right away. Plus Niall will be up by that time”—she hoped—“and can handle any immediate needs he has. Though he’ll likely demand something in trade.”

“You hope. Careful, girl. Keep it up and that funny walk will become permanent.” Mel cleared her throat. “Not sure I intended that entendre, but . . .”

Alanna rolled her eyes, bumped shoulders with her again. “I’ll do the dishes.”

Mel gave her a fond look, a stroke to her hair. Then she surprised Alanna by giving her a swift, fierce hug. “I’m glad Niall fell in love again, before the end.”

The woman strode away without looking back, probably knowing the tears her words would evoke. Yesterday, Alanna had played tag with the children. When a little girl tackled her, Alanna wrapped her arms around her and took them both to the ground, holding her gently as the child giggled. The child was picking grass out of her long hair, and she was doing the same to her silken curls. Looking up, she’d seen Niall staring at her the way Evan did a subject for his painting. As if he was seeing something remarkable, something that kept him in that one spot, enjoying it as long as it wanted to be before him.

Forgive me, Master . . . but I really want to come and see him.

That’s fine, Alanna. I haven’t been able to sleep anyway. It would help, if you came and stayed with him.

It was rare that she picked up emotion in Evan’s mind-voice so clearly. It made her hurry to their bungalow. Once inside, she headed for the cellar. All three of them had been sleeping below these past few nights, the intensity of their couplings such that Evan had kept them both there in the aftermath, until daylight and his servants’ responsibilities above called them away.

It was dark downstairs, though Evan had a lantern on a low setting as a night-light. The vampire was propped on an elbow, stroking Niall’s hair off his forehead as he slept, just as heavily as when she’d left hours before. She could tell Evan was fighting sleep hard himself, for the sun was well past when his body would force him to unconsciousness. She chastised herself for spending so much time with Mel and not anticipating this need. Evan shook his head, hearing it. As she shed her shorts and overshirt, she crawled over the mattress in her panties and thin tank to the both of them.

She’d decided this cottage was used for the founder when he came, because it had more of a finished basement than a cellar, with painted walls, a king-sized bed, electric hookups and a full bath with a shower comfortable for a man—and his servant—to use. There was even a sitting area with a spacious desk where Evan could consider slides or handle paperwork Alanna brought to him.

Now she curled up on the other side of Niall. Panic seized her. He was cool, not emanating heat as he usually did. Her gaze snapped up to Evan, but he was already in her mind, reassuring her.

He’s fine. I’ve heard other vampires call it death practice, the

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