Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,155

the Scot’s back as he knelt to lock the shoes onto her feet. For this event Niall wore only a utility kilt and Goth-style heavy boots with a series of buckles. She loved the look on him, had wanted to trail her fingers up his bare back, press her mouth to the dragon on his chest when he rose, but since Evan had told her to keep her fingers locked behind her head until he was done outfitting her the way he desired, she’d obeyed her Master. Tonight, she wanted nothing more than to serve his every desire, no matter if it left her in a mindless frenzy, caught up in her own arousal.

She loved the idea of wearing something that pleased them both, going as their servant, ready to perform for their pleasure. Stephen had rated her performance in terms of political advantage, but with Evan and Niall, she would be acting purely on their desires, their interests, and that gave her a swirl of anxious anticipation that was new and exciting.

Evan had left the last piece of the outfit for himself. When her Master rose from the chair, Niall stepping aside, her breath had caught, seeing that Evan was holding a collar. His eyes on her reaction, he put the wide strap around her throat. It fastened in the back, secured with a padlock. When he showed her the key, brushed his knuckles along her cheek, she pressed her lips fervently to the fingers that held it.

“If I had time, I would have had a tag made for it,” he’d said, his gray eyes caressing her face. “So they would know who your Master is.”

She’d closed her eyes as he tightened the collar, one step beyond restricting her breathing, just how she wanted it. Actually, she would have been fine with him stealing her breath away entirely. She knew who her Master was. It was stamped on her every reaction. The intensity of his expression had told her he heard her thought.

Niall brought her back to the present. “The rosy color of your nipples is driving everyone to distraction. If ye had a third mark, he’d have told me to pierce them tonight, put a pretty silver bar through each one.”

“We can still—”

“No.” Niall gave her that steady, brook-no-argument look that, unlike his teasing, could stop her words in a heartbeat. “He kens ye can bear the pain, but they wouldnae heal right away. He wants your breasts accessible to him. And so do I.” As they walked, he brought a hand up along her side to boldly cup one, heedless of the passersby. She made a needy sound as he caressed and squeezed it. “You’ll tell me if the straps get too restrictive, lass. We’re goin’ to loosen them in the half hour regardless.”

She could bear any discomfort for their pleasure, but Niall had made a good point. Without the regenerative power of a third mark, too much pain or discomfort would impair her ability to serve them. Of course, the healing of a nipple piercing, the loss of circulation to her breasts, were only problems if her agony was an issue to the vampire. But it was to this particular vampire and his servant, far more than it would have been to Stephen. Which perversely made her want to have Niall do it, prove she’d endure any pain for Evan.

Niall’s fingers tightened on hers. “Behave,” he murmured. “Submitting to your Master means submitting to his will in all things. Ye didnae get to pick and choose. Ye know that, lass.”

So Evan was close, and sharing her thoughts with Niall. It was a direct reproof. A few days ago, any rebuke had diminished her, emphasizing her failure and inadequacy. Now she absorbed it into this new fragile sense of herself, a servant eager to serve a Master who cared enough to protect her.

Him and his servant. Niall might appreciate her appearance, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him. The hard muscles of his bare upper body shifted against her side and back where he walked close beside her. The way he moved in the dark utility kilt, his sheer size and presence, was mesmerizing, and not just to her. The other women might speculate, but she knew there was nothing under the kilt. She wanted to go to her knees in her provocative outfit, push the fabric up his strong thighs and put her mouth on him. Lubricate his cock from the arousal between her thighs

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