Taken By Terror - Lolita Lopez Page 0,112


But even doped up, his mind raced with horrible images, each one worse than the last. Maisie dying in a crash. Maisie intercepted by Splinters. Maisie killed by bounty hunters. Maisie captured by space pirates. Maisie sold to a skin trader. Maisie starving to death on a strange, uninhabitable planet. Maisie alone and scared.

She’s strong. She’s a fighter. She’s smart. She has survival skills.

He reminded himself of all her many qualities. She was capable and brave. She had been so courageous to get into that pod, knowing that the sacrifice of her safety meant that he and Devious would have a chance to live.

I’ll find her.

I don’t care what it takes.

The sedative took hold. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stay awake. His eye drifted closed as the vow circled round and round in his head.

I won’t give up until she’s in my arms again.

When Terror woke a long time later, Vicious was sitting in a chair next to his bed. Typical, he thought with irritation. Vicious was so fucking pigheaded about things.

“I told you to leave,” Terror rasped, startling Vicious from his deep thoughts.

“I don’t take orders from subordinates.” Vicious shifted in his chair and met his stare. “We good?”

Terror wanted to hate his best friend for the way he had handled Maisie, but he acknowledged all the many times he had made awful decisions that hurt other people. Menace and Naya came to mind. Seeing her almost die remained one of his worst memories.

With a jerky nod, he grumbled, “Yeah, we’re good.”

Vicious relaxed into his chair and stretched out his legs. He sighed heavily. “You missed a hell of a battle.”

“I figured,” Terror said, weakly gesturing to Vicious’ face. “Casualties?”

“More than a few,” Vicious replied. “We captured or killed all of the Splinter double agents onboard the ship. We have nowhere to send them so Orion is looking at his options. I suggested we vent them, but he says the laws still apply, even if we are at Level Red conditions.”

“Prime? Or one of the prison planets?”

Vicious shook his head. “They didn’t get the warnings in time. Those shitheads blew up most of the government complex on Prime. The assembly hall, the council chambers, the courts, a hospital…” Vicious scratched the top of his head. “Two prison planets were overrun by Splinters and inmates. I don’t even want to think about what a nightmare that mop up is going to be.”

Terror’s sense of duty wouldn’t let him rest in this bed for long. Already, his tired mind was thinking of options. “We have black sites where the most dangerous double agents can be held.”

Vicious grimaced. “Grim mentioned that as a possibility.”

“Or we use the war powers designated for Level Red use to run tribunal court proceedings,” Terror said, wheezing as he reached the end.

“That’s what Orion and Noble are working on tonight. We’re still trying to figure out chain of command,” Vicious admitted. “Flint wasn’t the only high-ranking officer, serving or retired, on that list. Most of them have been captured or killed. Of course, you already know that about Flint.”

Terror nodded slowly. “Maisie jammed a metal rod through his ear.”

“Gross.” Vicious winced and then poured a small cup of water. He peeled the wrapper from a straw. “Here. Risk said you can have small sips.”

Terror gratefully sipped the water. He hated feeling so useless and weak, but at least Vicious wouldn’t use his vulnerable state against him.

“I thought you were actually going to die this time,” Vicious admitted roughly. “When they brought you in, you were barely breathing. The first eight days were touch and go—“

“Eight days!” Terror reeled in shock. “How long has it been since my rescue?”

“Thirteen days,” Vicious said gently, “Most of it in quarantine for the virus. They moved you out here to a regular room two days ago and started lowering the dose on your sedatives so you would wake up.”

“Thirteen days.” Terror felt nauseous. “She’s been alone for thirteen days?”

Vicious gave his shoulder a squeeze. “We’re doing everything we can to find her. I promise you. I will make every resource available that I can spare.”

In a time of heightened security, there wouldn’t be many resources for a rescue operation, especially not for a wanted fugitive.

“Orion and I are going to do what we can to clear her name. Devious has already gone to Prime to meet with what’s left of the Council. He promised he would do whatever it takes to get her a pardon.”

“When I find her,

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