Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,105

her as he continued to grind his pelvis against hers, his tail twitching with every spurt of seed, until he hadn’t a drop more to give and his trembling had subsided. But he did not withdraw from her. Instead, he pressed firmly into her, unwilling to let any of his seed seep out.

They lay like that together, panting, their bodies hot and coated in perspiration, their thumping hearts gradually easing. Her hands leisurely petted his back; he stroked the tip of his tail up and down her calf. Pleasure had suffused him, and it was slow to fade. He’d never felt so languid, so satisfied.

Zevris took in a deep breath. His nostrils flared, and his heart quickened slightly—Tabitha’s scent was sharper than ever, fuller, bearing an impossible new sweetness and just a hint of something more. And it was strengthening by the moment.

He raised his head to look down at her. She opened her eyes and peered up at him.

The faintest glimmer of blue flashed in her eyes.

He moved a hand to her cheek, sweeping back loose strands of her sweat-dampened hair, and watched in awe as tiny blue flecks appeared in her irises amidst the green, so subtle at first that he doubted whether they were real.

“What is it?” she murmured, brows creasing slightly. She shifted her gaze as though searching his face, and those flecks briefly lit up with reflected light, like stars being born and fading in the space of an instant.

Zevris’s lips stretched into a wide smile. There was a warmth in his chest, a remnant of the raging fires that had been burning in him before, but it was soothing, fueled now by elation rather than fury or unmitigated lust.

No, it wasn’t merely elation. He understood somehow, on a deep, instinctual level, that the warmth he was feeling was his connection to her. It was their mating bond.

He took in another breath, and finally realized what had changed about her fragrance. It wasn’t merely the smell of sex in the air; Tabitha’s scent had taken on a hint of his own, creating something new but immediately familiar. It had become their scent.

Zevris caught her chin. His eyes bored into hers. “You are mine, Nykasha.”


Tabitha smiled and stretched as she roused from her slumber. The warm, hard body against her back and the big, strong arm draped over her middle were absolutely perfect. She and Zevris were right where they belonged. His breath tickled her hair against the back of her neck, and his tail was coiled possessively around her thigh. There was also something hard and thick pressed along the curve of her ass.

Her lashes fluttered open. The dim morning light glowed through the slats of the blinds. From the corner of her eye, she could just spy the shredded remnants of her dress on the floor. She felt a faint pang of disappoint at the loss, but it swiftly faded away as she recalled the vehemence with which Zevris had looked at her last night. His blue eyes had been aglow with barely restrained lust.

Pfft. Restrained? My alien unleashed his inner beast.

And that first time hadn’t been the only time. He’d taken her—quite thoroughly—twice more, the final time with her on top, sitting astride him. She had never imagined she could take a cock so deep. He’d lifted her up and driven her down upon him as though she weighed nothing, all the while his tail stroked her clit from the front.

She didn’t remember when she’d fallen asleep during the night. It must have been sometime after she’d collapsed upon his chest, panting and utterly exhausted; her thighs were still sticky with his cum. Though she’d not felt it then, she was sore now in muscles she hadn’t even known existed, but the most prominent ache was still between her legs. Her pussy clenched at the memory of Zevris’s cock.

Down girl.

Were it not for what Zevris had done, for the way he’d confronted Cody and his friends in her defense, she might have wondered if she was jumping into this too quickly. She waited for the regret, for the dread, for the second thoughts that always weighed upon her when she made rash decisions…but none manifested.

Tabitha wanted Zevris. She knew that with certainty. He was caring, considerate, funny, and sexy as hell. He’d stood up for her. He was also genuinely attracted to her. His every glance at her, his every caress, and every powerful thrust of his shaft had shown her that. Why

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