Take A Number - Amy Daws Page 0,19

highly underrated. Lesser bands have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It’s a crime that these guys aren’t.”

I feel Dean watching me, but I don’t want to look. I’m sure he thinks I’m a nut job.

“I’ve never seen you wear a Foreigner bandana.”

My brow furrows, shocked that he would notice something like that. “Yeah, so?”

“Never mind. Come on, let’s dance.”

He grabs the flute of champagne out of my hand and leads me onto the dance floor where several couples have joined my parents. I force a smile at my dad, who I swear knows something weird is up with Dean and me, but he’s too sweet to ever say.

Dean’s hand snakes tightly around my waist as he pulls me in so our bodies are flush. My head reaches just below his chin in my wedge heels, and I lift my hand to rest it on his shoulder.

Jesus, his body is hard under these clothes. He’s bragged about his abs before, but even his pecs are impressive masses based on what I feel beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. When he grasps my free hand and holds it up against his other pec, all I can think about is how sweaty my palms are right now.

I glance up to see his smile looking completely at ease. “How is this so easy for you?” I ask, briefly dropping my head to his chest and exhaling heavily. “My palms are sweaty…my heart is in my throat. I feel like everyone at this party can tell this isn’t natural for me.”

Dean shrugs casually. “I hang out with a lot of women.”

I roll my eyes and look away, trying to catch a breath of fresh air that doesn’t have Dean’s seriously delicious-smelling scent. I bet he wears a really expensive cologne. “I don’t need to hear about your conquests, Dean.”

“I’m not talking about my conquests.” He squeezes my hand so I look back at him. “I’m talking about Kate and Lynsey. They’ve been my best friends for years, so hanging out with women like this is no big deal.”

I nod. “Ah yes, your sister wives.”

Dean frowns at that remark. “If they were my sister wives, doesn’t that mean I should be getting laid?”

I balk. “Don’t tell me you’re not getting laid.”

He shoots me a dirty smile. “Oh, I’m getting laid…but not by them.”

“So, you’re cheating on your sister wives.”

“They’re my closest friends, Norah, and I’d have to be in a relationship with them to cheat except I’m not a cheater.” Dean tightens his grip on my waist, and I swear I see a flicker of hurt in his eyes. “What exactly are you insinuating?”

I lift my hand in surrender, horrified that I could be coming off like a creepy, jealous fake girlfriend. “Sorry, nothing. I’m just curious about how you met them.” I exhale a shaky breath and try to get a grip. Being this close to Dean, in his arms, wrapped up in his scent, it’s…confusing. It feels briefly like a real date, but it’s not, no matter how good his hands feel on my sides. This is just two friends talking.

Dean inhales deeply. “They were my neighbors, and they were fun. That’s pretty much it. Plus, Kate’s one of those girls who if she wants you to be her friend, you will be. End of discussion.”

His jaw seems tight when he says that, so I pry a little further. “So, you never dated either of them?”

“Define dated.”

“Oh jeez, this is worse than I thought,” I reply with a groan.

Dean’s chest vibrates with laughter. “I haven’t slept with either of them if that’s what you’re tiptoeing around.”

My brows furrow. “Sooo, what then exactly?”

He licks his lips and rubs them together for a moment. “Lynsey and I dated for a time. We realized pretty quickly we were better off as friends…and Kate…” His voice trails off as he looks away.

“What about Kate?”

I follow his gaze; he’s watching my parents with great fascination. “God, your parents are legitimately in love, aren’t they?”

I shake his shoulder to redirect his attention. “What about Kate?”

He levels me with an unamused look. “Kate’s more complicated.”

“How so?” I ask, my mind drifting to all sorts of scenarios. “Are you…into her?”

“No…not anymore.”

My eyes widen.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Suddenly, he pushes me out from his grasp into a surprisingly effortless spin and pulls me back, tight into his body, and I have to tell my heart rate to settle down. “I had feelings for her at

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