Take Me Higher (Castaletta Syndicate #1) - Ali Parker Page 0,61

"It's not something we've looked into just yet, but I'm sure we'll be on top of it soon. We've just suffered the loss of our matriarch."

"So I heard. I'm quite sorry." Fredrick patted me on the back and looked genuinely disturbed by it. "Zandra will change everything. It's the mixture of two drugs that leaves the user lost to a lusty haze. Quite effective for a bit of fun — and massive levels of release."

"Has it made it's appearance in Kadia?" I couldn't help but ask. We wouldn't be dabbling in anything else until I got the Freddy situation figured out, but shortly thereafter I was going to get my hands on some for testing.

"Just recently, thanks to Kate and her boys." He wagged his eyebrows. "I offered her a large sum of money to come join me."

"And she accepted?" Edward asked before he lifted his drink to his lips.

"Not quite. She's got her hands full in New Orleans right now. You should look her up. Offer her a deal she can't refuse. She's top of the line." He shrugged and lifted his glass to a toast to the upgraded club.

"What did you say her name was again?" I lifted my beer and hit it against his and Edward's.

"Kate. Kate Jarrett."

Chapter 26


"Shit," I mumbled as I got in the car and left Jonathan's early. The buzzer on the oven caused him to get up with the promise of coming back as soon as he got the roast out. I'd texted Marco to call in three minutes, and God love my older brother, he had.

I'd made up an excuse about my father needing me and rushed out of the townhouse like I was in a panic. Jonathan had been so cute about it, offering to come with me and take care of things for me.

"So fucked up." I ran my fingers through my hair and drove to the mansion as my thoughts danced all over the place. I wasn't sure what I felt about letting him eat me out. In one way I was completely good with it and glad for the fucking attention. I'd known that going into such a situation with him would put me at risk for having to fuck him as part of convincing him that I was his girl. The next time wouldn't be so easy to get out of.

On the other hand, I knew that even if my thoughts had moved to conjuring up something between us that nothing was there. Until I emotionally emptied myself of my desire for Demetri, I would never move past what could have been and truly try with someone else.

The phone buzzed, and I pressed the talk button. Marco.

"You out of there? Everything okay?" My brother was pacing the floor by the sound of him panting softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Things were just going too far with Jonathan. I'm trying to seal the deal, not have his children." I smirked and pulled onto a busy two-lane road. "Are you at the house?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Is D still there?" I put on my blinker to move over and almost got run over. "Asshole."

"Me?" Marco's voice tightened.

"No, these shitty drivers. Is he still there?"

"No. He left a while ago, just after you did. He's going to the opening of the third floor of Endrantant, remember?"

"Actually, I'd forgotten all about that." I settled back and pressed the gas, letting the car do what it did best — fly.

"I'm sure it's going off without a hitch. Both of your boys are there tonight. I swear you're starting to collect them like you did hats in your teenage years."

"It was one year. I was thirteen." I growled into the emptiness of the car. Marco would forever tease me over my hat fetish I had when I became a teenager.

He laughed warmly, and the sound brought a smile to my face. "I love it."

"Where is Freddy? Have you checked on him lately?"

"He's here, I guess. I don't go up there much. He's either high or too agitated to see me. I guess I look too much like Dad." He huffed. "When are you going to find him a place to go to rehab?"

"On Monday he and I are going over there. We're meeting with the lady in charge at ten." I slowed down at a stop sign just beside downtown and tried to decide if I should make a surprise visit to Endrantant or not. It would be good to see D, but he and Edward together was

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