Take Me Higher (Castaletta Syndicate #1) - Ali Parker Page 0,1

below the surface of her thoughts, and she tried hard to keep her mind on Joe and the kids, their lives giving her light as the night raged a war around her that she didn't seem to think she'd survive.

Eventually her mind gave way to memories as she slipped from consciousness. The depravity of what happened that night was lost on her as her life quietly slipped from its host.




Joe tapped his fingers on the large cherrywood desk before him, his eyes moving from his bourbon to the clock on the wall. His wife should have been home hours ago. It was his birthday, and she had been quite excited earlier to have dinner together and then talk by the pool over dessert.

Her mention of a gift had set him off though. His only desire was for her to be at home, safe with him. He shouldn't have been so gruff with her on the phone, his words still ringing in his ears hours later as he had chided her without cause.

As she always did, she’d brushed him off, her voice sweet and yet holding with it the strength to put him in his place. Only she was allowed to speak to him with full familiarity. The kids were allowed to as well, to some extent, but his wife held the keys to his kingdom. He looked up at the sound of a feminine voice, hope growing in his chest as his office door opened.

"Is Mother in here? I need to talk with her for a few minutes before I go for my swim."

Joe shook his head, sighing loudly and running his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. He stood and rolled his shoulders, his daughter, Izabella, a stunning replica of her mother at twenty-eight. Why she wasn't married off to the most eligible bachelor was a mystery to him. Maybe she was too intimidating, too tough, too calloused.

Good. A strong woman was hard to find.

"No, she isn't here yet." He motioned for her to come closer. "Is D still at the hospital with his mother?"

"I don't know. I'll call and check on him." She glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Call Mom. We were supposed to eat dinner at eight for your birthday."

"We were, but she's not made it back. Your mom is a tough woman. I'm sure she's fine." Joe reached out and pinched his daughter's chin softly. His concern wasn't just for Vivian, but for D's mother, Maria, as well. The woman had become vitally important over the years. Almost too important. His infidelities weighed heavily on him, but he pushed them aside. He would ensure that Vivian was safe and then focus on his dying mistress in the hospital. She deserved at least one more visit from him.

Izzy moved closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're worried, Dad. I can tell."

"Fuck yes, I'm worried. She has thirty more minutes before I send the boys out and search the city." He released her and picked up his glass.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's as smart as you and as vicious as me." Izabella winked and turned, walking out of the room without another word.

Joe emptied his glass in one long swig and sat it down next to a picture of his bride. "If anything has happened to you, baby, I'll gut this city from one end unto the other until I bathe in the blood of the ones responsible." He took a shaky breath, his stomach flipping over as his chest burned.

Vivian was never late.

Something was wrong.

Chapter 1

Four Days Later


The rain that fell from the heavens was more than appropriate, but it always was in the midst of death and despair. Having lived a life of crime for as long as someone might be expected to remember, I never could quite comprehend why it was so painfully fresh and new each time it occurred.

I stood next to the large oak tree that bent carefully over the top of the graveside. The Don had picked out the plot years ago when I first came to work for him, but never in a million years had I expected us to use the damned thing so soon.

Too soon.

The earlier part of the day had been filled with business, everyone trying to act as if their pain was able to be masked in normality. Only when we headed to the old, historical Saint Mary's Cathedral on the east side of Chicago did the truth set in.


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