Take Me A Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance - Faith Summers Page 0,35

my heart.

There was no way I’d miss it, and even if I don’t get in the fact that I tried is what will count. It was always my goal to dance with them, but they take the absolute best who already have a substantial amount of experience under their belt. Even with my four-year absence from the dance world I have that now.

I look up as the barista approaches me with a smile. It’s early but late enough for the morning crowd to have vacated the coffeehouse leaving the best booths free.

“Can I get you something while you wait?” she asks with a kind smile.

“No, my…friend will be here soon. I’ll wait until then,” I answer. Calling Mimi a friend feels weird since I haven’t known her that long and it feels strange to my ears to refer to anyone as a friend. Miguel didn’t allow me friends.

“Okay, I’m Helen. Just give me a shout when she gets here,” Helen says with a nod.

“Thank you,” I answer, and she saunters away.

It’s nice here. I’ve been here a few times, but it wouldn’t be my first pick because it comes with a heavy price tag. To me it’s more of a treat. I’ve come here with Rosie. She likes the muffins. I’ve tried to replicate them for her, but I suck at baking. I’m a better cook.

At least I’m good at something that will be of benefit to her in some way, something she can remember me for.

I pray she never knows I had to work at The Dark Odyssey and that she never finds out I failed in every way to keep her safe and happy in these early years.

The last few nights with Christian were… I don’t know what to call them. Last night was the most intense because we were in bed the whole time.

I left at the crack of dawn because I thought I should, and I didn’t want to feel any hope that he would book me again. I thought the worse thing would be expecting it and then him not saying anything, so I left.

I’m fairly sure he got his fill of me last night and I don’t want to feel hurt when the fascination fades.

The task now is to push him out of my mind. Even if I see him tonight.

It’s not fair to want him to save me night after night.

I know all too well that I shouldn’t allow myself to be drawn to him in anyway and I’m not his problem to deal with.

The door to the coffee house opens with a little jingle and in comes Mimi. Like me she’s short and even has the same hair color. The first thing I thought when I met her was that our similar appearances could make us related.

She’s wearing a little top and Levi’s and looks like a million dollars even though her baby is six months old. There’s no way I’d guess she’d given birth six months ago or that she has another child.

I stand to greet her as she approaches, and she gives me a hug. As we hug, she does feel like a friend.

“You’re smiling, that’s a good thing,” she bubbles and the ends of her ponytail bounce.

I smile wider. “Thank you. I’m glad.”

She sits and I sit opposite her. “Thanks for meeting me. I hope it was okay to meet.”

“Yes, I got a sitter for my little girl.” Mimi messaged me just before I got to Jenny’s so I asked Jenny if she could watch Rosie a little longer. It was no problem.

“Perfect. I won’t take up too much time, I just want to make sure you’re okay and meet you outside of work, somewhere you could talk to me without the pressure.”

As she looks at me, I get that feeling again like she can see I’m not really okay.

“Thank you, and it’s fine. I have a really nice person looking after my Rosie. I trust her and she does a good job.”

“Oh good. So, are you really okay?”

“I’m okay. It’s been an interesting couple of nights.”

“Lilly people are raving about you. I was there from the club opened and I know people go to the club for one thing. You seem to be another. I feel awful that I haven’t seen your performance. That man of mine is crazy. He’ll only allow me to go to the club if he’s there too, he’s just protective and thinks I should be wrapped in a bubble. His bubble.”

I chuckle. “But

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