Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,93

that he did that.”

“It’s okay,” he smiles. “I felt I deserved it, to be honest. I thought it was a good idea to stay away from you for a while until the dust settled. I haven’t stopped thinking about you, though. I want us to hang out. Wait. I’m not doing this right. I mean, I want to ask you out … you know … on a real date. I know I said we could interact just as friends, but I really do like you. A lot.”

Oh, dear. Maybe coming here wasn’t a good idea. To give myself a few more seconds to answer, I down the rest of my drink. I hate being put in these situations. First Tony, now this.

“John, I can’t. I have to be honest with you. I’m seeing someone.” The look of disappointment rises on his face.

“Oh, I see,” he says, looking away. “You didn’t mention it Friday.”

I bite my lip. “I didn’t know until Saturday that someone I really liked also liked me. I’m sorry.”

Jackson takes that moment to make his presence known. “John, you’re not doing your job properly. Look, the lady’s drink is empty. What will you have, lovely Ana?”

I jump as a familiar, sexy voice comes from behind me. “She will be having nothing from you, asshole. I’m taking her home.”

Oh, shit, am I in trouble. I spin my barstool around and notice John moving a couple of steps away. He really is intimidated. Jackson, however, doesn’t seem the type to know when to quit. “Hey, who do you think you are, ordering a grown woman around like that?”

Jackson puts his hand on my shoulder, and I immediately clam up. Oh, double shit.

Wrong move, Jackson.

Jake—as if on cue—moves over to the man and grabs his hand, squeezing it tightly. Jackson’s bravado is immediately lost.

With Jackson bending over in agony, Jake leans over him to whisper in his ear. “You keep your hands off her, or next time it will be your balls I grab. Do you get what I’m fucking saying, asshole?”

Jackson nods frantically, and Jake lets go of his hand. He glares over at John—a look of thunder on his face. It makes John inadvertently step back even farther.

Jackson’s face is as red as a beetroot as he frantically rubs his wrist. He’s out of breath and looks completely embarrassed by being overshadowed by the monster now hovering over me.

“Out. Now,” he seethes through gritted teeth. I sit, rooted to the chair, and just about everyone in the bar is watching the spectacle. Jessie’s completely stunned but utterly fascinated by the whole thing. I still sit. “Do as you’re told,” he orders.

I can’t help myself. It must be the alcohol making me brave. I smirk at him.

Big mistake.

Jake grabs my waist, hurling me over his shoulder. “Jessie, you too. I’m taking you home,” he orders as I squeal in protest.

Jessie quickly does as she’s told, grabbing both her bag and mine. Jake throws some money on the bar for Sam and drags me out of the premises despite all my protests.

He crosses over the road with me still propped up over his shoulder. Jessie is running along—silently amused—behind us. People honk their horns and cheer as Jake stalks towards his car.

Once we’re at his car, he sets me down and looks at Jessie. “I thought I could trust you of all people.”

Without warning, anger erupts inside of me. “Do. Not. Take this out on Jessie. She has done absolutely nothing wrong. You are a fucking control freak!”

Jake, red-faced, glares at me, waving his finger. “I would rather be a control freak than find you dead in an alley somewhere. You got that? And stop fucking swearing.”

“I hate you sometimes!” I scream.

“Good. Now, get in the fucking car. You too, Jessie,” he barks.

We both get in, me slamming the door a bit more forcefully than necessary.

Jessie scoots to the middle of the seat at the back then moves forward to talk to us. “Jake, don’t be mad at us. It was just a quick drink, and those guys at the bar were harmless. We weren’t going to accept a drink from them. They hadn’t been there long before you came in.”

“Put your seatbelt on,” he barks, looking in the rearview mirror to make sure she’s doing it.

Once safely fastened, Jake starts the car and makes his way out of the parking lot. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Jessie, but your efforts are just going to be wasted on me

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