Tainted Night, Tainted Blood - By E. S. Moore Page 0,43


I glanced back at Jonathan, who shrugged.

“What did you do to me?” I don’t know why I kept trying. It was obvious the woman wasn’t going to answer anything in a sane way.

Jonathan stepped forward. “It was a combination of silver, blood thinners, and something we cannot identify. I have someone looking into it.”

The woman grinned at us. “It will set you free if you let His Hand guide you as it has me.”

Adrian approached and held up the knife for me to see. Its edges were serrated and it looked dreadfully sharp. It wouldn’t have taken much effort to saw my throat open with that. I managed not to cringe. More points for me.

“She was going to cut your throat with this,” he said. “Until I stopped her.”

“The blood thinner would have kept your blood flowing. You would have bled out pretty quickly.” Jonathan looked uncomfortable at that.

I stared at the knife, my stomach doing a few tumbles. With the silver keeping me paralyzed, I wouldn’t have been able to do a damn thing to stop her. My blood would have spilled freely, pumping in gushes, and I wouldn’t have been able to cry out for help. It would have been a horrible way to die. To be so helpless ... it was almost unimaginable.

“Who are you?” I asked, tearing my gaze away from the wicked-looking blade to stare at the woman.

She stepped back from the bars and crossed herself. She looked up as if she could see the sky even though we were well belowground. “Deliver me from these demons. Take me into Your arms where I shall be protected from their taint.”

I kept a tight rein on my emotions. This woman was seriously getting on my nerves, and if I were to lose control now and kill her, we wouldn’t be able to get anything out of her. I could feel my teeth wanting to push through. This woman had nearly killed me. That was something I couldn’t forgive.

“Did you kill the others? Why?”

The woman kept on praying or whatever it was she was doing. I don’t think she was listening to me anymore.

“I don’t think she is our murderer,” Jonathan said.

“She attacked me.”

“But she is not were. From what I can tell, she wouldn’t have anything to do with a werewolf.”

“And the blade is wrong,” Adrian said. The knife was gone. He had probably tucked it away somewhere to keep. “I’ve seen the wounds on my men. They do not match.”

I turned away from the cell. I couldn’t stand to watch the woman anymore. I really wanted her to be responsible, but I knew they were right. My attack had been a coincidence. There was no way this one woman could be responsible for so many deaths.

I started to walk toward the stairs, but my legs gave out. I staggered a few steps and Jonathan grabbed me by the arm to support me. I glared at him and he let me go. I didn’t need his help.

“We need to find out if she is alone,” I said. “Maybe there are others who she works with. Perhaps they are who we are looking for.”

Adrian walked past us and up the stairs. It appeared we were done.

Nathan glanced at Jonathan, who gave a quick nod. The big wolf hurried after Adrian. I wondered if he was simply going to follow him out or if he was looking for a fight. Knowing Nathan, it was probably the latter.

“Are you really okay?” Jonathan asked once they were gone. I think he expected me to slump against him or something, because he stood so close I could almost smell his breath.

“Yeah,” I said. I wouldn’t show weakness, even to him. “I’m just pissed I let myself get caught up like that. I should have heard her coming.”

Jonathan glanced back at the cell and I followed his gaze. The woman was watching us again, eyes gleaming in what I could only describe as complete and utter madness. The fervor there was so strong, it was a surprise we didn’t burst into flames from the intensity of her stare.

“I will continue to question her,” Jonathan said. “It’s clear she has done this before. People like her could be dangerous.”

“Do you think there are more of them?”

Jonathan met my eyes. He looked worried. “I don’t know.”

“I know.”

I jerked at the gravelly voice. It came from the darkest corner of the room, farthest from the woman. It was hard to see even with my enhanced

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