Tail 'Em (Jailbreak #1) - Sam Hall Page 0,32

this. My eyes darted to the other employees, people we’d been introduced to, but they just seemed somehow faceless.

Did he know what I was? The idea dropped like a depth charge inside me, tensing my muscles, making my head ache. Never let them know what we are. Nan’s voice was getting louder and louder in my head. I knew that, had never intended to ever get this close to discovery. Keep them happy, avoid scrutiny, she’d lectured.

But I couldn’t, not this. Sweat beaded my brow, sending a wash of heat through me, and the twist of nausea in my belly became a violent wave.

“I’m sorry,” I said, yanking off the gloves and putting my hand to my mouth. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

I didn’t wait for an answer or a response, shoving the glass doors open and running to the elevator, hammering on the button. I needn’t have worried about convincing them of my illness, bile rising in my throat. My eyes scanned the room with its crazy pacing animals. Stereotyped behaviour happened in captive animals anyway, so watching the timber wolf wear a track wasn’t that big a deal, until I reached out to it.

Shifter? I pushed, dreading, hoping my theory wasn’t true.

What the fuck are you? His response slammed into my mind with the force of a freight train. The wolf stopped, regarding me with yellow eyes. Oh, baby, you wanna get the fuck out of Dodge. There is nothing but pain for you here. For us too.

All of them? Are they all shifters? I shot back, pushing that damn lift button. It was only one floor. What was keeping it?

As far as I know. Jesus fucking Christ, I’ve heard about your kind. Never thought I’d see the day when I’d lay eyes on one. Sweetheart, get in that elevator, get out of here, and do not come back, y’hear me? You’re exactly what they’re looking for.


I didn’t get any answers, as the lift door was finally sliding open.

“Ms Bruce!”

Go, girl! the wolf urged. Don’t stop for us. We’re fucked now anyway. Get the fuck out.

Is there anyone at home I can contact? Someone who can get you out.

Lone wolf, sweetheart. No one’s coming for me. But…

“Ms Bruce!”

I leapt into the lift, smashing the close door button.

Get word to the Yellowstone Pack. They need to know—

I sprinted out of the lift, running out the doors, never so glad to feel the sun on my skin. Janey called after me, following hot on my heels, even as I lurched over to the lovely landscaped bushes in the car park. My breakfast came hurling up in violent lurches, and only Janey sweeping in to hold my hair kept it from getting matted with it.

“Shit, Shannon, are you OK?”

“Get in the car if you’re coming,” I said. “I need to get home. Stomach bug.”

“Of course. Do you want me to drive?”

I shook my head as I jumped in the driver’s seat, waiting for Janey to slam the door before shoving it into gear. Hollingsworth came running out, waving a hand or something, no doubt with a whole barrage of threats to keep me there. Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck this job.

“That bad, huh?” Janey asked as I careened down the road, only straightening up once we got clear of the gates.

“I said that aloud?”

“You sure did. What the hell happened?”

“I dunno, but I do not want to work at that place. I’ll go back to waitressing at the pub if that’s what it takes, but fuck that place.”

“Oh, thank god!” she said, hanging onto the oh fuck handle. “That guy is creepy. Wanking off cats for a living?”

“I think I’d rather give hand jobs in an alleyway,” I shot back. “Better conversation at least.”

She burst out laughing, and it felt like a cool washcloth on my forehead, cooling me and settling my stomach all at once. Find the pack. Report back. And the Yellowstone Pack… I thought. Ask them about that.

Chapter 12

“Jesus, Shannon, are you OK?”

This should have been exciting, having Jai Heller enter my bedroom for the first time, but as I paced back and forth across the floor, Buster whined nervously. I stopped and tried my best to push reassuring thoughts I didn’t feel at my animals. Jai seemed to realise this was a big moment too, hovering in my doorway, then he strode towards me, his boots clumping across the floor.

“Hey…” His voice was gentle and sweet as he loomed over me, somehow a comforting

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