Tail 'Em (Jailbreak #1) - Sam Hall Page 0,20

more common animals to the rare species to try and ‘reinvigorate the line.’ Makes sense. It’s what breeders do when they’re finding their blood lines are weakening in pedigree dogs or whatever but this… Like it’d be exciting to be administering anaesthetic to a Siberian bloody tiger, but…”

“But you’d be just as happy with the Jones’ cavoodle?” I asked.

“Yep, yappy little bastard. This…”

Nick just shook his head, and we all looked around the room with reluctant eyes.

“So I know you’ll need some time to talk things over with your team,” Hollingsworth said with a smug smile as he and Stuart rejoined us. “But I think you can see that the Capricorn Institute is somewhere you’ll be able to make a difference in animal conservation. I look forward to hearing from you, Stuart.”

“So the offer is generous, much more generous than I’ll ever be able to offer you. They’re permanent positions as well.” Back at the practice, Stuart slid the job descriptions and contracts across the table to each one of us. “We may be able to split our hours between the clinic and the institute, at least initially, or there’s talk of creating a new practice within the institute grounds.”

“You talked to Hollingsworth before today?” I asked, knowing what he just described was not what the man had discussed while we were at the institute.

“We went out for drinks last night.” Stuart looked a little sheepish at that. “I needed to feel him out, see if it was even worth pursuing. He was throwing around some big figures when you and I talked to him. I wanted to see if there was a catch.”

“And was there?” Janey said.

“Not as far as I can tell. Apart from a standard non-disclosure clause, it all seems to be on the up and up. We can insist on a trial period, to try the place out, see if it's a good fit for us, and then reject the offer if we wish.” Stuart’s eyes dropped to his lap. “But I’ve gotta say, what Hollingsworth said, about the future of this place… He’s right. It doesn’t have one, not without his money. Dad kept it going well past its use by date, racking up debt after… Look, those details don’t matter. It’s basically this, or you find work elsewhere. I’m sorry, but it is what it is.”

My brain raced at the thought of that. I’d been working for the vets since I got out of school. This place… My eyes took in the faded photographs on the pin boards and the overflowing biscuit jar Janey always kept well stocked. We’d sat around this table, talking shit and processing tough days for over five years of my life. The thought of this all being taken away, painted over, cleaned up, and sold off to someone else…

“Look, no one needs to make a decision yet, but I’d like to hear your first thoughts about the offer. Yea or nay?”

He pointed to Nick, who said, “Yea.” He didn’t look pleased about it, but what option did he have? He had older parents who needed looking after, and he had to stay in town. Stuart turned to Janey, who said the same. I felt their collective gaze on my skin as everyone turned to me.

“Nay,” I said, feeling the need to explain but stopping my lips from moving. I sat there, weathering the disappointed or incredulous looks, but Stuart just nodded.

“That’s cool, Shan. I get it. What they’re offering is very different to here, and you might not want to engage with that.” That wasn’t it, but I wasn’t about to tell him why. Those animals, there was something about them that just didn’t feel right. “But there is a proviso that Hollingsworth didn’t tell you about. It’s all in, the entire team, or it’s none of us. I don’t know why, I tried to talk him around, but he was adamant. We come as a team, or he starts looking around for another one to take the position.”

Well, fuck.

Chapter 9

“Hey, Jai’s here for you,” Janey said as I grabbed my bag at the end of the day.

I busied myself with sorting through the contents, looking for my car keys, anything to keep the damn flush from showing in my face.

“Yeah, I sent him a text.” I tossed her my car keys. “You good to take the car and feed the dogs?”

“Sure.” I looked up to see a grin she’d obviously been fighting to hold back spread across her

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