Tail 'Em (Jailbreak #1) - Sam Hall Page 0,15


“Moira’s girl. Do you want this young fella buzzing around? We don’t let the pack pick outsiders for mates often. Young Rob pleaded your case to us.”


I spoke because it was expected of me, because I knew better than to ignore a question from an alpha, but I struggled to form a response. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Pack be damned, I was having this out with Jai after this debacle was done.

“I’m sorry, Alphas. I haven’t had a chance to talk this over with Shannon yet. I…”

“So whaddya been doing, sniffing around her place every night then? She seen you in skin form?”

“Ah…yes, Alphas.”

“That was enough for my Gracey. Seen the old trouser snake and she…”

I bit my lip to keep my responses to myself. Snake…? Was he talking about his…?

“Talk to the girl, see if she’ll accept you. But, Shannon, granddaughter of Moira, we want to know what’s going on in that place up on the hill. You tell him between kisses, or you come ’round here, tell your Uncle Rob what’s happening, y’hear?”

“Yes, Alphas. I’ll come around tomorrow night and make sure to tell Rob everything I saw.”

“Not yon Jai?” More chuckles at that. “My Jenny put up a fight too.”

“She had you howling through the valley after her. Remember when that bastard, Cahill, was trying to woo her out from under you?”

“Jenny was nothing compared to my Nance. Damn near wore myself ragged for that old man of hers. Bastard had me redo their whole fence line before he’d let me within ten feet of her.”

“Enough of that. You’ll scare the girl off before she’s had time to consider the boy, though right now, she don’t smell scared.”

More mad laughing.

“Jai’s gonna get a hiding!”

“I’ll report back, Alphas,” I said, the need to get away beating as sure as my heart. My muscles quivered with it. I could feel the long strides I’d take to get clear of here, of all the pack bullshit. “I need to get home if I’m to be there early in the morning.”

“All right, girl. You keep us posted, and you’ll be seeing to your side of the bargain. You can go.”

I dropped my head lower in an ungainly bow and then spun on my heel, straightening up and getting the fuck out. A half walk, half run, I stalked past all the people that called out to me as I went, including Rita and Jaz. I’d call them when I got home. When I cooled down, I amended. I was in no fit place to talk to anyone. But of course, that couldn’t be allowed to fly.


I felt the jerk on my shoulder, the slowing of my steps when I heard Jai’s shout, but I forced my body on. When I looked back, I saw he was trailing after me, his face like stone, but I didn’t have time for that.

“Honey, you OK?” Aunty Beth appeared before me, stopping me in my tracks. My eyes dropped down again, not wanting her to see my expression. She’d steer me into the kitchen and ply me with tea and biscuits until it all came out, and I wasn’t ready for that yet.

Because what? What was there to come out? The alphas’ words… I frowned as I hovered there, in her grip. Why would Jai…?

“I’m fine, Beth," I said, forcing a smile on my face, knowing I fooled no one. “I’ve just gotta go. I’ll be up at the institute tomorrow, that new place, and the alphas want me to report back.”

“You’re not fine. What did that idiot husband of mine do this time? I’ll—”

“Shan, wait!” Jai called.

“Beth…” I swept in and hugged her tight, her arms going around me belatedly, but I pulled free again before she could close them around me. “I’ve just got to go.”

“All right, love,” she said, eyes darting from me to a rapidly approaching Jai. “Come by tomorrow after work and talk it through with me. Promise?”

I nodded, slipping from her grip, then striding through the house. I smiled weakly to the kids who called out as I passed, holding up toys or artworks to show me, making me feel only worse when I brushed past them. This wasn’t the kids’ fault, and I saw the little frowns, the widening eyes. If I wasn’t already feeling like shit, I sure as hell was now.

The feel of the cool breeze on my face when I stepped outside the front door was the only pleasure I was likely to experience, one

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