Taggart Family Values - Lexi Blake Page 0,10

me? Is that your job?”

“My job is to assassinate an enemy of my father’s.” Her voice was deep now, her eyes meeting his boldly. “My target is going to be here in two weeks. I’m setting everything up. The man I’m going to kill doesn’t touch your world in any way except to cause you trouble. I’m not here to kill you or anyone you know personally. I’m here for a while, and the subs talk about you.”

“What do they say?” he asked, moving the crop along her neck.

She took a deep breath, her head moving to the side to give him access to her skin. “That you know how to please a woman.”

“What do you want me to teach you, Charlie?”

A bit of hesitance was back on her face. “I want you to teach me how to enjoy it.”

“Enjoy what?” He had an idea, but he wanted to hear her say it.


He traced the crop down her breastbone to the middle of her chest. “Then ask me properly. What do you want me to teach you?”

“I want you to teach me to come.” Her voice was breathless.

“That I can do.”

He was ready to begin.

Part Five

I want you to teach me to come.

A single sentence had damn near brought him to his knees. Something about this woman. He couldn’t put his finger on it. Well, he could, and he was about to—put his fingers everywhere, put his mouth and his cock everywhere.

His first instinct was the caveman one, to fall to the floor beside her, shove her down, rip those barely there undies off her, and claim her in the most basic way. Luckily he had a crop in his hand, and that reminded him that he wasn’t a caveman and he had a different way to claim her.

Consent was a beautiful thing. Any asshole could take a woman, but it took a real man to convince her to give herself to him, to open herself to his dirtiest, darkest fantasies and share them with him. Sometimes he was certain he’d gotten into D/s as a way to shove that caveman down where he belonged. The woman in front of him couldn’t be claimed by right of strength. She was the fucking alpha female and she would choose.

He would make sure she chose him.

For tonight. Maybe tomorrow. He was here for a little while. What would it hurt to hang out with her?

Yeah, he had a wishy-washy bastard in there, too, and he shoved that fucker deep. He and the caveman could play cards and shit.

The alpha male had a job to do. He stood in front of Charlie, pleased with the way her eyes came up. He hadn’t told her she should stare at the ground submissively. There would be time to play that way later. For now, he loved the way she looked at him—like she could eat him up, like he was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

Could she be that good at her job?

He let the thought float away. It didn’t matter tonight. He brought the crop down to that place where her legs were spread, knees gracefully in a V and palms on her thighs. He let the tip of the crop, the tongue-god—it would be his tongue there soon—find her pussy. It was still covered with the silk of her thong, but that was all right. He could be patient.

Patience. That was the key.

He let the crop caress her lightly. “What did you like about your previous sexual experiences?”

She caught her breath, and he rather thought it was a challenge for her to stay still. Good. He wanted that. He wanted her to want.

“I liked feeling close to someone. I worry that I’ve used sex to try to make a man love me when I should have used it to feel good.”

“No man is going to love you because you have sex with him. We’re not wired that way. I’m not saying it can’t work to bring a couple closer. I’m sure it can, and sex can be a bonding agent.”

“Have you ever loved a woman?”

He hated the touchy-feely crap, but he got the feeling Charlie needed a bit of it. Beyond having sex with her, it was suddenly important to give her what she needed. Even if he found it distasteful. “I was engaged.” He let the tip of the crop drift up to the slight swell of her belly, but his eyes were still on her pussy. “Her name was Holly, and

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