Tackling Love - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,15

like my dad. The last time we spoke, he was in Africa experiencing life as a native and getting gorgeous pictures of the wildlife. Now, he’s in the UK.

“That’s great, Dad. How many have you been to?”

“Including Stone Henge, three. Some are over four thousand years old. Amazing! But I want to hear about you and this… Colt?”

“His name is Colton Anders, and he—”

“The quarterback?”

I laugh, my dad never ceases to amaze me. “Yes, Dad, the quarterback.”

“How in the hell did you meet him?”

“Ahh…in a b-bar,” I stammer out, kind of embarrassed.

Laughter greets me. “You… in a bar? Well, that’s fate, then.”


“Well, honey, it’s not like you. Is he a good man?” asks dad seriously.

“Yes, Dad, he’s a good man. Colt works hard and treats me well. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

“Must be serious if you want him to meet the old man.”

“I think it’s heading that way, but it’s early days yet, Dad.”

“Well, Skye, keep me informed. Now, I’m off, just wanted to check in and let you know I’m alive and well. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”

“Bye, Dad, and don’t be a stranger.”

Smiling, I put the phone back in its cradle and resume watching the game.


We won the game, and we are another step closer to the Super Bowl. I’ve just gotten home, and I’m in my kitchen, shattered. I was tackled relatively hard, and my shoulder is throbbing. The team doctor took a look at it and said there’s no damage, even the team masseuse checked me out . They told me to ice it and take it easy. Right now, I could sleep for a week. Picking up my phone, I dial Skye, she answers almost immediately.


“Did it even ring, sugar?” I tease her.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. A little sore, that’s all.”

“Are you training tomorrow?”

“Depends on how I pull up. Don’t worry, they won’t risk me playing if they think I have an injury. What did you do tonight? Apart from watching the game?”

“My dad called, he’s in England.”

“Has he always lived there?”

“Oh, no, he’ll stay there until he gets bored then move on. Before England was Africa, and before that was Alaska and before that was… um, Australia, I think?”

“What does he do?”

Skye’s laughter filters down the line. “Whatever he wants. He doesn’t live extravagantly, but he does travel extensively. I try to catch up with him wherever he’s in the world when I take holidays. If it weren’t for him, I don’t think I would have ever left the country. I guess for my next holiday, I’m heading to the UK.”

“Sounds good. I’ve never been. We could stay in London and go from there.”


“Well, we’d have to wait until the off-season, but yeah, we. If you want?” I’m holding my breath, waiting for her answer. Skye’s the first female I’ve wanted to spend more time with, to really get to know her, to meet her dad.

“You know, it could be fun. No one will know you over there, and we could be like a regular couple. Can you do regular?”

I release the breath I was holding and say, “I think so. I’d like to try regular with you.”

“I can’t wait to tell Dad. He’ll be so excited.”

“What about you, sugar, are you excited?”

“Want me to come over? Show you how excited I am?” Skye says seductively.

“It’s late. You have school tomorrow—”

“And… I don’t care. I can be there in an hour. Say, yes, Colt.”

“Sugar, tomorrow’s another game. All I want is sleep, and if you’re here, sleep will be the last thing I’ll want,” I admit truthfully.

“So, it’ll be a test… a test to see if we can abstain.”

I want to see her, and if I’m honest, it’s more than a want, it is a need. I’m nodding, although she can’t see me, and then I laugh. “Okay, Skye, come on over. I’ll tell security to expect you.”

Within forty-five minutes, there’s a knock at my front door. I’m wearing the only pair of pajamas I own as I wander down the stairs to the front door. Opening it, Skye is wearing pajamas and a long dressing gown, her hair is in a braid, and she’s wearing her slippers. We take one look at each other and begin to laugh.

“Come in. Come in,” I say, trying to suppress my laughter.

Skye walks over the threshold, and I shut the door. “Guess we were both thinking the same thing. Nothing too sexy.”

“Sugar, you’re sexy no matter what, but that old blue dressing gown

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