Sympathy for the Demons (Promised to the Demons #1) - Lidiya Foxglove Page 0,29

like this, in human form for all the town to see! We don’t want the kids seeing that, do we?”

“You’re right.”

“Kids seeing what!?” I asked, getting more frightened by the moment. “What will you do to me?”

“Metamorphose.” Madame Solano tossed off the spell at me, forcing me to transform, as the man caught me between his hands and shoved me in the cage.

The cage swayed, knocking my body around, as he carried it down the stairs, and I clutched at the loops of wire that held me inside.

“Jenny!” Bernard cried. “Where are you taking her? What are you doing? This is all my fault.”

“Oh, yes, we know,” Madame Solano said, and a couple of warlocks grabbed Bernard and bound his hands with a spell. “We will begin with a meeting of elders. But you know what you’ve been doing is wrong.”

What Bernard was doing felt wrong to me too, but I had even less trust for the elders of St. Augustine. “Don’t execute him,” I said, and a few of them just chuckled. I wasn’t sure that was a good sign.

As the cage was carried outside, the light blinded me. I thought it was just my eyes adjusting, but the feeling only grew stronger and the wires melted away from my toes.

I didn’t understand it, but suddenly I was drawn back to Etherium, and held inside a man’s cupped hands. My eyes followed the arms, to the face I most wanted to see.


Chapter Thirteen

Lord Variel

The toad turned into a girl and put her arms around the young man. “Bevan! You…you rescued me.”

“That’s right. I told you I would.”

I cleared my throat. “Actually, I brought you here.”

The girl turned and looked way up at my face. Her eyes widened. “You?”

“I am Lord Variel the Devourer, High Demon of the Fens. I have devoured the soul of this boy whom you had sworn yourself to serve, and therefore, now you are sworn to me as well.”

“What?” She looked at Bevan. “Is that true?”

“There’s a lot to explain,” Bevan said, a little too casually, I thought. “Though I have to add, I’m not a boy just because you’re ten thousand years old.”

“Nine hundred,” I said, and then I wished I’d just ignored him. “Do you understand?” I asked the girl. “I am your master now. You will serve me.”

As her eyes widened with what might have been fear, and was at the very least, confusion, my cock unexpectedly throbbed with desire for her small body.

It seemed unfathomable that the hag’s prophecy could actually be true.

The toad girl was nothing special, that was certain. She was quite plain, and it would be no surprise to anyone that she took a toad form. She had long nut-brown hair with a fringe of bangs, but it was not the beautiful glossy mane of a demoness. It looked affected by humidity, slightly frizzed. Her eyes were golden-brown and her face was round with a pointed chin, and she also had some freckles. She was short and curvy, with very generously sized breasts that were certainly her most intriguing feature, but she also had plump thighs and was indeed, a little plump all over. A high demon should have a wife worthy of a goddess, long and lean and shapely, with hair like a waterfall—and a body strong enough to bear my mighty children.

Despite all that, when I saw her, my cock stirred as it had not for any of the succubi, or for any forest nymph.

Perhaps, I thought, it is because she is so small and common that she won’t be able to handle me, and when I claim her as my bride she will surely scream in agony, and I will claim her until I am spent like the beast I am until she is with child. Perhaps it is the fate of a demon’s bride to die.

Although that thought did nothing to calm my throbbing member, it also didn’t seem very favorable.

Then I came back to my senses, thinking that I would be the laughingstock of demon-kind if I married a small toad.

“If it’s a lot to explain, you might as well start right now,” Jenny said. “I thought you would be teaching me magic, Bevan! How did this demon enter the picture?”

“I have eaten his soul,” I said, taking a little pride in it for the first time in some while. I wanted to see the small toad girl go pale as she realized the terrible fate that awaited her. “You will both serve Copyright 2016 - 2024