Taking the Heat(6)

She shook her head. She hesitated, then took a deep breath before elaborating. “Criminal justice.”

His brows rose and he studied her over the lip of his cup. She knew he was thinking of how big a change that was. He might even be wondering if it might tie into his and Jacob’s former plans to start their own private security firm. Their dream wasn’t one she had shared beyond her anticipation of having the guys home more often, but she’d grown to love it since joining WITSEC. In a way, it kept her connected to Brian and her brother.

“Are you happy, Layla?” he asked softly.

“I’m not unhappy.”

“Are you seeing anyone?”

Layla washed her food down with a leisurely draw on her straw. “Shouldn’t you have asked that before you bought the condoms?”

“Damn it.” Brian dropped his half-eaten burger onto his fries. “You’re not going to let it go, are you?”

“Sure. I’ll drop it.”

“Thank you.” He shoved three fries into a pile of ketchup, then pushed them into his mouth.

“But about the lube—” She blinked innocently when he erupted into coughing. “You gotta admit, that’s pretty personal. And ambitious. It’s one thing to rekindle a little fun in the sack, but anal sex, Bri? I’m sure you’ve known women who serve that on the main menu, but that’s a chef ’s table item for me.”

“Layla.” He pushed back and stood.

“You really should eat,” she admonished. “You’ve got to keep up your strength. We’re on the run after all, and you’ve got some serious mattress gymnastics planned.”

“Fuck it.”

“Yeah, I got that from the lube—”

“Shut up.” He walked to the bed, grabbed the box of condoms, and tossed them across the room into the trash can. Digging into the suitcase carrying the toiletries, he searched for the personal lubricant.

She watched him. She ate her burger and fries. And she got hotter by the minute. He was seething, so damn passionate in his aggravation and embarrassment. She’d rarely seen him like this out of bed.

“Where is it?” he barked.

“If I promise to be a good girl and stop picking at you, will you come back and eat?”

“Don’t patronize me!”

“I’m sorry.”

He held up a hand to ward off any further words.

“Really,” she pressed. “Can I help it if I want to see if I can still get under your skin?”

“As if you ever got out from under it.” He pointed an accusing finger at her. “Don’t look so damned shocked! I’m not the one who split us up.”

“Aren’t you?”

“No, damn it. I’m not. I was in it for the long haul.”

Layla shook her head, her own ire rising. “’Til death do us part doesn’t add up to much when you can be dead any minute.”

“Don’t.” He stalked closer, vibrating with all the emotions he was usually so adept at leashing. “It’s five years later, baby. I’m still breathing.”

“Only because we’re not together. If you haven’t noticed, men don’t live long around me.”

Brian stopped two steps away. “You can’t be serious.”

She shrugged and closed the lid of her box, her appetite gone. “Your food’s getting cold.”