Taking the Heat(20)

“Partly. And partly because I thought you needed to live a little. See what else was out there. You weren’t the only one who was insecure. I wanted to be sure you didn’t look back and wonder if there might have been someone better for you, if you’d just taken the time to look around.”

Layla closed her eyes, sinking into an exhaustion that was more than physical. “I’m glad we had these few days together,” she said softly. “Anytime I was set to meet a new deputy, I’d hold my breath and hope it would be you. I’d always feel this strange mix of relief and disappointment when it wasn’t. It’s good to have some closure. At least I know we saved some of the good—”

“Shh.” He pressed his lips to hers. It was a reverent kiss. Full of tenderness and sorrow.

Layla pressed herself against him, wishing she could crawl inside him. Cherish him. Keep him.

God knew she loved him and had no idea how she was ever going to live without him. Knowing he was out there somewhere, still loving her ...

“Don’t think about it,” he repeated.

Easier said than done when her heart was breaking all over again.

Chapter 8

They drove straight through to Albuquerque with only a few quick stops for food and gas.

Pulling off I-40, Brian headed into the suburbs. Layla was quiet beside him, as she’d been most of the day. Her gaze was trained out the passenger window. He could feel the sadness radiating off her even though her face was hidden from him by the brim of a baseball cap. His own gut was tight with grief and frustration, his hands flexing restlessly on the wheel while he damned himself for not preventing this.

If he’d just talked to her when she needed reassurance, if he had given her a say in his plans, they would be in a totally different place in their lives now. She’d be safe, he would be with her, and they’d both be happy.

He pulled into a quiet residential neighborhood and she stirred, turning her head to look at him with her brows raised in inquiry.

“I’ve got a buddy out here,” he explained, slowing down in front of a one-story ranch house with a Chevy Silverado in the driveway and a Sea-Doo trailer in the space beside it.

Parking, he left the keys in the ignition and said, “Let me see if he’s home.”

Before he could step out, the front door opened and Jack Killigrew appeared. Tall and dark in appearance and demeanor, the man was an SOG deputy like Brian, a Shadow Stalker Brian could trust with someone as precious as Layla.

“Sit tight,” he murmured, getting out of the Bronco. Rounding the hood, he called out, “Hey, Killigrew. I’m in a bit of a bind.”

“Understatement of the year.” The other deputy held out his hand and they clasped forearms, pulling each other close for quick slaps to the back. “You’re hotter than a bitch in heat. It’s her, isn’t it? Your Layla?”

“Of course.”

A pretty blonde in a wisp of a summer dress stepped out of the house and offered him a tentative smile.

“Ah, shit,” Brian muttered. “I didn’t think about Rachel and Riley being here. We’ll head out.”

Jack had recently been in a similar position to Brian’s—in love with a woman he couldn’t have. But Jack had worked things out. He’d gotten the girl and the future he had once only dreamed of. Brian would be damned if he’d fuck that up.

“Riley’s with his grandmother,” Rachel interjected. “In California.”

Brian extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rachel. Brian Simmons.”

“Hi, Brian.” She smiled. “We’re getting ready to grill up some steaks. Jack bought enough for an army, as usual. I hope you’re planning on staying for dinner.”

He looked at Jack with a rueful smile. “I appreciate the offer, but I just stopped by for a moment.”

“Bullshit,” Jack said. “Your timing is perfect. I told everyone I was going to be at Rachel’s in Monterey so they’d leave us alone. No one knows we’re here.”


Jack ignored him and walked toward the Bronco. “I’ve got guest rooms. I’ll move my car out of the drive and you can park in the garage.”

Opening Layla’s door, he introduced himself and gestured at the house. She looked to Brian and he shrugged.

Their eyes held for a moment, a surge of emotion passing between them.