Taking the Heat(16)

He set his palms down on the mattress, then his knees, crawling toward her in a luscious display of masculine strength and agility. His cock hung heavily between his legs, making her tummy flutter in anticipation. Her toes curled when he kissed the arch of her foot. His parted lips slid up to her ankle, his hand reaching for her other foot and squeezing.


“Yeah, baby?”

“Come here.”

His dark head lifted, his gaze snaring hers. “No.”

“I’m not stopping you,” she said huskily. “I just want to hold you a bit first.”

He exhaled, then climbed over her, stretching out beside her.

She rolled into him, burying her face against his chest. His skin was still damp and cool, his heartbeat sure and strong. His arm draped over her and she tilted her head back, pressing tiny kisses to his clean-shaven jaw, so damn grateful for the opportunity to hold him in her arms again.

“Layla . . .” His voice was low and hoarse, with an aching note of yearning.

Even with a raging hard-on and her willingness, he’d taken the time to shave his evening stubble so as not to scratch her. He was always thinking of her, in both big and small ways. Always ready to give her whatever she needed.

Except when it came to his job.

“Make me understand,” she whispered. “Why is it so important to you to risk your life?”

Brian stiffened, then rested his chin atop her head with a sigh. “It’s not that.”

“What is it, then?”

“I don’t know. I’ve thought it over so many times. Lying in bed without you, wondering where you were, if you were okay, wondering why the hell I didn’t just say to hell with the fucking job when you gave me the choice.” His hands stroked down the curve of her spine.

She closed her eyes and nuzzled closer. “It gives you something I can’t. Something you need.”

“I don’t need anything as much as I need you.” He pushed her to her back and loomed over her. His thigh slid between hers, his weight settling atop her in the way that always made her feel safe and cherished. “That’s what shreds me, that you’d ever believe I could love anything more than you . . . that I ever gave you a reason to think that.”

Putting her fingers to his lips, Layla cut off anything else he might say. He nipped her fingertip with his teeth, the slight sting sending a quiver through her. His tongue flicked over the tiny hurt, his gaze unwavering on her face.

“Grab on to the pillow,” he said gruffly. “Don’t let go.”

She reached up and did as he ordered, the position arching her back and lifting her breasts to his waiting mouth. He licked her nipple, and she made a soft noise of pleasure.

His breath blew softly over her skin. “I love the sounds you make.”

“I love the way you touch me.” As if she was the most precious thing in the world, as if her pleasure was the only thing that mattered.

“Then I won’t stop.”

Wet heat surrounded the sensitive point of her breast as he took her into his mouth. His cheeks hollowed on a soft, slow suck that radiated through her body. Her head fell back and she moaned. “Yes . . .”

Her pussy spasmed with jealousy. His hand cupped her other breast, kneading, his thumb and forefinger rolling and tugging her tight, sensitive nipple.

Her back arched, her lips parting on panting breaths. It felt as if she was being touched for the first time in years. The sensations were too fierce and hot, too vivid compared to the numbness she’d lived with since she left him. “God, Brian . . .”

His tongue lashed the tender tip of her breast, the drawing pulls of his mouth echoing in the throbbing between her legs. She pressed her pussy against him, slickening his skin with her desire, riding the hard muscle in an effort to ease her aching to be filled.

“You make me so hot,” she breathed.

Sweat misted her skin. She felt almost sunburned, her flesh so sensitive it was nearly painful. When Brian’s mouth moved to her other breast, she cried out, the surfeit of sensation intoxicating her. He sucked harder, his teeth grazing with just enough pressure to make her shudder.

Her fingers were cramping by the time he slid down between her thighs. She draped one leg over his shoulder; the other fell to the side.