Reflected in You(33)

Corinne knew Gideon well enough to anticipate his moves; it might've been easy for her to plan around his reaction to her unexpected appearance in New York.

Which shed a whole new light on why Magdalene had called me today.

She and Corinne had been talking at the Waldorf when Gideon and I spotted them.

Two women who wanted a man who was with another woman.

Nothing was going to happen for them while I was in the picture, and because of that, I couldn't rule out the possibility that they might be working together.

"I wanted you to hear it from me," he said tightly.

I waved that off, more concerned about what was happening now.

"I saw Corinne get into the Bentley, Gideon.

Right before I came up here."

His other brow rose to match the first.

"Did you?" "Yes, I did.

Can you explain that?" "I can't, no."

Injured fury burned through me.

I suddenly couldn't bear to even look at him.

"Then get out of my way, I have to get back to work."

He didn't move.

"I just want to be clear on something before you go: Do you believe I f**ked her?" Hearing him say it aloud made me flinch.

"I don't know what to believe.

The evidence sure - " "I wouldn't care if the 'evidence' included you finding me and her na**d in a bed together."

He uncoiled so swiftly, I stumbled back in surprise.

He stalked closer.

"I want to know if you think I f**ked her.

If you think I would.

Or could.

Do you?" My foot began to tap, but I didn't retreat.

"Explain the lipstick on your shirt, Gideon."

His jaw tightened.


"What?" The flat-out refusal sent me into a tailspin.

"Answer my question."