Reflected in You(30)

The lingering humidity was oppressive.

Ignoring the voice in my head telling me not to look for trouble I couldn't bear to find, I dug his shirt out of the laundry basket .

and saw red lipstick smeared like a bloodstain on one of the cuffs.

Pain twisted through my chest.

Dropping the garment on the floor, I pivoted and left, needing to get as far away from Gideon as possible.

Before I threw up or started sobbing.

"Eva!" he snapped as I hurried past him.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" "Fuck you, asswipe."

"Excuse me?" My hand was on the door handle when he caught me, yanking me back by the elbow.

Spinning, I slapped him with enough force to turn his head and set my palm on fire.

"Goddamn it," he growled, grabbing me by the arms and shaking me.

"Don't f**king hit me!" "Don't touch me!" The feel of his bare hands on the bare skin of my arms was too much.

He shoved back and away from me.

"What the f**k's gotten into you?" "I saw her, Gideon."

"Saw who?" "Corinne!" He scowled.

"What are you talking about?" Pulling my smartphone out, I thrust the photo in his face.


Gideon's gaze narrowed on the screen, and then his scowl cleared.

"Busted doing what, exactly?" he asked, too softly.

"Oh, screw you."

I turned toward the door, shoving my phone in my purse.

"I'm not spelling it out for you."

His palm slapped against the glass, holding the door closed.

Caging me with his body, he leaned down and hissed in my ear, "Yes.

Yes, you goddamn will spell it out."

I squeezed my eyes shut as our position at the door brought back a flood of heated memories from the first time I'd been in Gideon's office.

He'd stopped me just like this, seducing me deftly, drawing us into a passionate embrace on the very couch that had recently seen some kind of action forceful enough to shove it out of position.

"Doesn't a picture say a thousand words?" I bit out through clenched teeth.

"So Corinne was manhandled.

What does that have to do with me?" "Are you kidding me? Let me out."