Ask For It(7)

Avery cleared his throat loudly. “It appears you two will not work well together. I would suggest bringing this difficulty to Lord Eldridge’s attention. I’m certain there are other agents who—”

“No!” Marcus’s voice cracked like a whip.

“Yes!” Elizabeth nearly collapsed in relief. “An excellent suggestion.” Her smile was heartfelt. “Surely Lord Eldridge will see the sense in the request.”

“Running again?” Marcus taunted.

She glared. “I am being practical. You and I quite obviously cannot associate with one another.”

“Practical.” He gave a derisive snort. “The word you seek is craven.”

“Lord Westfield!” Avery frowned.

Elizabeth waved him off. “Leave us for a moment, Mr. James. If you would, please.” Her gaze remained locked on Marcus as Avery hesitated.

“Do as she says,” Marcus murmured, glaring back at her. Avery grunted, then spun on his heel and moved away with angry strides.

Elizabeth cut straight to it. “If I’m forced to work with you, Westfield, I will simply refuse to share any further information with the agency. I will handle the situation alone.”

“Like hell you will!” The muscle in Marcus’s jaw began to tick. “I will not allow you to place yourself in jeopardy. Attempt something foolish and see what happens. You won’t like the outcome, I assure you.”

“Truly?” she goaded, refusing to cower in the face of a temper that frightened most men. “And how do you propose to stop me?”

Marcus approached her menacingly. “I am an agent of the Crown—”

“We’ve established that.”

“—on an assigned mission. Should you think to hinder my investigation I will view your actions as treasonous and treat you accordingly.”

“You wouldn’t dare! Lord Eldridge would not allow it.”

“Oh but I would, and he wouldn’t stop me.” He came to a halt before her. “This volume looks suspiciously like a journal of Hawthorne’s assignments and it could be related to his death. If so, you are in danger. Eldridge will not tolerate that any more than I.”

“Why not?” she challenged. “Your feelings toward me are obvious.”

He stepped closer, until the tips of his shoes disappeared beneath the edge of her hem. “Apparently not. However, plead your case to Eldridge if you must. Tell him how I affect you and how you long for me. Tell him about our sordid past and how even the memory of your dearly departed husband is not enough to overcome your desire.”

She stared, and then her mouth fell open as a dry laugh escaped. “Your arrogance is stunning.” She turned away, hiding the way her hands shook. He could have the damn journal. She would seek out Eldridge in the morning.

His mocking laughter followed her. “My arrogance? You are the one who thinks this is all about her.”

Elizabeth stopped and spun about. “You made this personal with your threats.”

“You and I becoming lovers is not a threat. It is a foregone conclusion and has nothing to do with your late husband’s journal.” He held up his hand when she attempted to argue. “Save your breath. This mission is important to Eldridge. I insisted for that reason alone. Having you in my bed does not require working with you.”

“But …” She paused, recalling what he’d said to her earlier. He never stated his insistence was about her. Her face heated.

Marcus strolled casually past her, heading in the direction of the ballroom. “So feel free to disclose to Eldridge why you cannot work with me. Just be certain he understands that I have no difficulty at all working with you.”

Gritting her teeth, Elizabeth bit back every expletive that fought to blurt from her mouth. No fool she, she understood his game. She also understood he would not leave her be until he decided he’d had enough, mission or not. The only part of this debacle that was within her power to control was whether she survived this encounter with her pride intact.

Her stomach tightened. Now that she had rejoined society she would have to watch his seductions. She would be forced to associate with the women who caught his fancy. She would see the smiles he shared with them, but not with her.

Damnation. Her breathing quickened. Against every shred of self-respect and intelligence she had, she took the first step to follow him.

The soft touch upon her elbow reminded her of Avery’s presence. “Lady Hawthorne. Is everything well?”

She gave a jerky nod.