A Passion for Him(10)

St. John and his wife made a striking couple; their contrasting appearances complemented each other in ways oft commented on. But they drew the most attention for their reputations. The former Lady Winter was still known as the “Wintry Widow,” a woman who was widely rumored to have murdered her first two husbands. Christopher was her third and last husband, the husband of her heart, and he was frequently celebrated for remaining alive.

You have survived another night in your wife’s bed, they jested.

Christopher would smile and say nothing. It wasn’t true, but he would not refute the misconception. Few would understand how he died in her arms every night and was reborn.

“I overheard the end of your conversation with Amelia,” she said. “I think you are looking at the situation from the wrong perspective.”

“Oh?” This was where their true similarities lay. As different as they were on the exterior, on the interior they were alarmingly alike, both criminally minded and quite wily. “What am I missing?”

“You are seeing only what interest the masked man had in Amelia. What of her interest in him? That is where my worry stems.”

He frowned down at her, absently admiring the artfully arranged curls that tumbled about her ears and shoulders, and her full bosom which swelled enticingly above her low, ribbon-edged bodice. “She has always been curious. That is how she met Ware to begin with.”

“Yes, but she allowed this man to kiss her. A stranger. Why? She has been pining for her Gypsy sweetheart all these years and keeps Ware at bay. What was the fascination with this man that goaded such a response in her?”

“Hmm . . .” Lowering his head, he took her mouth in a long, luxurious kiss. “Would you mourn for me with such devotion, were I to pass on?” he queried, his lips moving against hers.

“No.” Maria smiled with the hint of mystery that kept him endlessly enthralled with her.


“Nothing or no one could ever take you from me, my darling.” Her small hands brushed over his chest. “I will die alongside you. It is the only way I will allow you to go.”

Christopher’s heart swelled with love so fierce, it sometimes overwhelmed him. “So our young Amelia was drawn to this man in ways she has not been to anyone else. What do you suggest we do about that?”

“Watch her more closely, and find that man. I want to know him and his intentions.”

“Done.” He smiled. “Have you any plans for the rest of this afternoon?”

“Yes. I’m quite busy.”

He hoped he hid his disappointment. While he had a great many items on his list of things to accomplish, he would not have minded an hour or two of his wife’s company. There was something delicious about making love in the middle of the day with the drapes thrown wide and the sun shining in. Especially when she took the top and writhed above him in the daylight.

Sighing dramatically, Christopher released her. “Enjoy yourself, love.”

“That depends on you.” Her dark eyes shined wickedly. “You see, my schedule says ‘lovemaking’ from two to four. I will need your help to accomplish that task.”

Christopher was instantly aroused. “I am at your service, madam.”

She stepped back and glanced down at the front of his breeches. “Yes, I see that you are. Shall we retire?”

“I should like that,” he purred, his blood hot.

A knock intruded from the open doorway. They both looked over.

“Hello, Tim,” Maria said, smiling at the giant whose great head was ducked to fit beneath the threshold.

He bowed in greeting, then rumbled, “Did you still wish to speak with me?”

“Yes.” Tim was one of Christopher’s most trusted lieutenants. He was also infinitely patient and had a way with women. His fondness for the fairer gender was obvious. They sensed it and were far more open with him than they were with other men. They listened to and trusted him, which would facilitate keeping Amelia in line.

Christopher looked down into Maria’s uplifted face. “Don’t undress,” he whispered for her ears only. “I want to unwrap you myself.”

“As if I’m a gift,” she teased.

“You are. My most prized possession.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he stepped back from her. “I must discuss Tim’s new assignment to watch Amelia.”

Her answering smile was a sight to behold. “You are so clever to anticipate my concerns. You never require my input in matters.”