A Hunger So Wild(27)

The bed quaked with his fury, his irises burned bright enough to light up the room. “You f**king bitch!”

But she was beyond caring now. She was slick and swol en between her legs, her br**sts were tender and heavy, and his flavor permeated her mouth, deterring thoughts of fleeing as she might’ve done if she’d had any sense of self-preservation left.

“Let me loose.” He clawed at the bed with the heels of his boots. “Fucking let me go… now! ”

Vash fought to be free of her catsuit, struggling out of both it and her boots in a near-mindless frenzy. Once naked, she fel on his twisting body, wrestling his bucking hips to yank open his button fly.

“Vashti!” He arched violently. “Not like this, damn you. Don’t f**king tie me up like an animal.”

As always, Elijah was commando beneath his jeans, ready to shift forms at a moment’s notice. Nothing impeded her mouth from his cock, which she swal owed greedily, her lips and tongue tightening around his raging length.

“Shit,” he hissed, bucking his hips in an attempt to throw her off. “Get your bloodsucking mouth off me!”

She couldn’t. If the entire den poured into the room and found her fel ating a lycan, she didn’t think she could stop. Her hunger for the taste of him was too great, her need to bring about his surrender even greater. Pumping the thick root with her fist, she tongued the wide head, her mouth sucking hard and quick as she drove him relentlessly toward orgasm. He fought the whole way, his powerful thighs bunched with strain, his chest rumbling with furious growls, his torso twisting back and forth to dislodge her.

When he climaxed, it was with a wolven howl that brought goose bumps to her skin. The baying sound was high and plaintive, purely animal with none of the human evident in it. Tears stung her eyes even as she drank him down, something ancient and primal within her ravenous for the heady flavor of his savage virility.

“Damn you.” He panted, his chest heaving as she shoved his jeans to his knees. “Damn you to hel , you traitorous— Fuck!”

Her fangs sank into his femoral artery and she lost what tiny bit of humanity she clung to. His blood mingled with the se**n in her mouth, creating a blended essence that was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted. She circled his powerful thigh with both arms, embracing it like a lover, her throat working with each gulping swal ow.

“Fucking bitch,” he spat. “You goddamned f**king bitch. You’re stealing my right to give what belongs to me.”

She heard the anchors in the wal creak in protest as Elijah strained against his bonds, a testament to how strong he was, so strong that the silver that incapacitated most vamps wanting a true submissive experience was barely enough to contain him.

Dizzyingly intoxicated, Vash slid her fangs free and closed the punctures with soothing licks of her tongue.

“I can’t stop,” she whispered, achingly empty and needing him, despite the terrible effort she’d made not to. No lycan could tolerate being caged, and Elijah was no mere lycan. He was an Alpha. As rare as a new angel and in some ways just as fragile.

She crawled over him, putting her back to his enraged face and training her eyes on the door. A door that would see them exiting far differently than they’d come in. His fury was pulsing off him in searing, battering waves. Yet she couldn’t stop herself from gripping his stil -hard c**k and positioning herself over the massive crown.

“Don’t do this,” he warned in a thick, hoarse voice.

She licked the taste of him off her suddenly dry lips. “I…need you.”

“Not like this, Vashti. Don’t take me like this.”

Their intimate flesh touched. The lips of her sex hugged him, flexing gently around him. Her hand gripping him shook like a junky’s in need of a fix.

“This is the only way I can have you.”

Vash sheathed him in a swift plunge of her hips. He roared as she cried out, her body shocked by a penetration it hadn’t experienced for over half a century. The cement wal behind the bed exploded with a deafening sound; dust and debris burst in a cloud around her. She was catapulted forward violently, her body thrust toward the door and down, her torso slammed into the mattress with breathtaking force.

She was mounted before she knew what hit her, Elijah’s rock-hard body nailing her to the bed with a powerful thrust of his rigid c**k into her aching sex. The coils of cable that had failed to contain him thudded to the floor, the sound reverberating through her.

Elijah wrapped his forearm with the spil ed length of her hair. Fisting the tresses at the root, he pul ed her head back and growled in her ear, “You can’t tame me.”

He shifted his hips, pul ing free of her clinging depths only to drive into her again. “You can’t chain me.”

Yanking her up by the hips and hair, he brought her to her hands and knees. “And you goddamn can’t rape me.”

His next lunge hit the end of her, driving his supremacy home with a heavy surge of his hips. She cried out, completely at the mercy of his primal need for her and her own for him. He pounded into her, riding her hard and deep, stroking over and over and over a tender spot inside her that made her shake and moan. She had no leverage, no way to move or participate. Or so she told herself.

It was a lie, of course. He was stronger than she was, but she could fight him off. She could hurt him, make him work for it. They both knew she could. Yet she let him have his way, for reasons she couldn’t grasp.

Something broke free inside her.

Set adrift, she clung to Elijah as the only anchor against the storm that whipped through her. Tears fel . Her chest ached. Her body burned with the feverish pleasure buffeting her from al sides, shattering the wal s that had protected her for so long.