A Hunger So Wild(24)

“None of your business.”

“I’ve shown you mine,” he taunted softly, goading her with a lycan’s overt sexuality. Vampires were sexual creatures, too, but lycans were pagans, their demon-tainted blood spurring wild natures. Elijah was more brutal y sexual than any other lycan she’d ever met, his confidence and quiet command stemming from his comfort with himself, his luscious body, and his awareness of his virility and strength.

She couldn’t get the image of him out of her head—naked, bloody, his big hand stroking his big cock, his eyes dark and hot with wanting her. The memory had haunted her al night while he slept soundly. Fucker.

Pissed at the imbalance in the attraction between them, Vash yanked her zipper to her navel and pul ed the separated halves aside. Her br**sts bounced free, the tips hardening as a cool breeze slid across them. She was braless due to the natural constriction of the suit, which hugged her so tightly any underwear would have marred the sleek lines. The garment was comfortable, affording her ful range of movement, and it distracted her opponents—win/win al around.

He stared, unblinking, his face hardening into an austere mask of ferocious hunger. His arms fel slowly to his sides, his hands fisting.

“Jesus,” he hissed.

Pure feminine power slid through her, her anger and frustration soothed by his undisguised helpless captivation. When she moved to close her top, he growled low and deep, the rumbling sound an unmistakable animal warning. She stil ed instinctively, her body freezing in place as if lack of movement would make her invisible to the predator stalking her.

In her haste to retaliate, she’d awakened the beast. Now the steady, powerful drumming of his heartbeat was spurring her potent vampiric needs.

The intrinsic hunger for blood and sex. His blood. His sex. That’s what she craved with a force that shook her, as if the desire for a man’s touch had always been inside her. Lying dormant. Waiting for the right man to jolt it to life.

That man stepped closer. Then lowered his head… “Elijah.” She breathed his name, her pulse pounding violently. Her body was straining toward his without her volition, every muscle taut with expectation and wanting. She should’ve backed away again, would have done so if she’d been capable of moving. Instead it felt like her feet had been encased in concrete, rooting her in place.

His breath gusted hot over her nipple, his lips hovering over the stiffened peak. “No paws,” he whispered.

Then he stroked his rough tongue across her with a long, leisurely lick. Her gasp was a whiplash in the stil of the night; her body jerked as if she’d been tasered. She felt as if she had been. Needles of sharpened awareness swept over her skin from head to toe. The roots of her hair stood on end, tingling with the need to feel his grip fisting the crimson strands.

He groaned, the sound fil ed with pleasure and torment. “Offer yourself to me,” he ordered roughly, licking his lips.

She swal owed hard, tasting blood and realizing her fangs had descended and pierced her. Her hunger beat at her senses, rushing through her veins, mingling with her sexual desire until they were one and the same. She didn’t realize she’d cupped her breast and lifted it to his mouth until she was scorched by the heat of his lips. The drenching burn was quenched by a sudden hard suck that made her moan and stumble a fraction of an inch closer. His tongue fluttered maddeningly over the elongated tip, worrying it, making her sex clench in jealous greed.

The wind blew softly, riffling through his dark hair and urging the thick silk to brush over her tender skin. He touched her nowhere else, with nothing else but his mouth, which began to tug with rhythmic pul s. The measured tempo pulsed through her, making her wet between the thighs and achy with emptiness.

He released her with a pop of breaking suction.

“I love your tits,” he growled, each word said with arousing vehemence. “I’m going to squeeze them in my hands, holding them together as I slide my dick through al this lush, firm flesh until I come al over you.”

No man had ever talked to her that way, so crude and raw. No man would dare.

Taming Elijah would be impossible, she realized, quivering with longing tinged by apprehension. She was a strong woman, but she couldn’t imagine bending him to her wil . Because he was strong, too. Maybe even stronger than she was.

Elijah looked up at her as his head turned slightly to bring his mouth over her neglected nipple. “You want that, too. I can smel how it turns you on to think about giving it up to me however I want it. Giving up al that power and command you’re used to shoving everyone around with.”

“Fuck you.”

“Oh…you wil , Vashti. Long and hard. It’s only a matter of time.”

He was suckling her before she could retort, pinning her nipple to the roof of his mouth and massaging it with his tongue. She almost came from the sweet sting of it, the delirious pleasure/pain of voracious draws so powerful they hol owed his cheeks. He was relentless in his taking, his teeth sinking into the turgid peak with just enough pressure to send a shiver of wariness through her.


Salem’s voice behind her startled her into jerking away from the wicked ecstasy of Elijah’s mouth. She cried out at the sharp scrape of teeth over tender flesh, then again with surprise at the orgasm that was almost triggered by the bittersweet pain.

Elijah had her zipped up and steadied with lightning-quick efficiency. If not for his labored breathing, she might’ve thought he was unaffected.

Then he caught her hand and cupped it around his erection, grinding himself into her palm.

“We’re here,” he cal ed out, pushing her hand aside and taking a step back.

They were only yards away from the door. Salem would have seen Elijah’s bent head and smel ed their mutual arousal.

“I need your wheels,” her captain said, lingering by the warehouse instead of approaching. Agitated by the scent of desire, he shoved a meaty hand through his electric orange hair. It was a testament to how bad-ass he was that he could flaunt a hair color that was a bul ’s-eye on his massive cranium. “Time for a run to Shred.”