By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,35


“You need to stay in Hunter Forest whether they decide to join with Sanctus or not. There is a second part to your mission. You will know what it is when the time is right. It will not be easy, but God will give you the strength if you ask Him.”

What could it be?

“I suggest that you meditate on the scroll during your journey. I suspect that it’s been much too long since you have read of your Savior’s sacrifice, among other things. It will give you the preparation you need. Now, go and ready yourself.”

Talya nodded, but then she remembered the two people whose lives were more important to her than her own. She would not see them until after the battle.

Talya swallowed back a lump that had formed in her throat.

“My father and Tanel are going to wonder where I am,” she said.

“I will tell them, child,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“God is watching you, Talya.”

“Will you please pray that God keeps them safe?”

“Of course, child.”

They parted ways.

Talya went to the empty barracks to get her buckskin bag and then walked to the meal house, packing a loaf of bread with a slab of salted pork, some cheese, four canteens of water, and a blanket.

She looked back at the palace once more. Bright lights lit up the grand windows. Tanel was still in there. She longed for a chance to bid him farewell, but her stupidity had put them at odds.

She had a chance to speak with him the night that she had killed that Malinorian commander, but instead she had walked right by him when he challenged her. She had also been horrible to her father for the past four years, even though he had deserved it. It was possible that she would never see them again.

In addition to the dangers of war, Hunter Forest would be full of deadly hurdles. The older knights sometimes spoke of it like it was some sort of real-life hellhole.

Give me at least one more chance to see them again, Lord. I want to tell them I am sorry.

With her bag in hand and her stomach in knots, Talya began her journey.


Ittonifer stood on the library’s balcony and watched the approaching storm clouds. It had been one of the best days of his life. The ten greatest beasts had been morphed into powerful land monsters by the prince’s power. The army of Sanctus would never stand a chance now if they were foolish enough to still fight. If Waltez was successful in convincing Edandir and the queen to join the empire, Malinor would be one step closer to taking over the entire continent.

There was now three times the wealth that Ittonifer used to have in the palace. The empire would expand beyond the continent in no time.

Below, the mighty animals sat in large steel cages until the battle. They were subdued by a spell that Aterun had cast over them as soon as they had emerged from their watery home.

Now all that they needed were the giants.

Jalarn will take care of that.

Footsteps sounded from behind Ittonifer.

“My lord,” said Naeshi.

Ittonifer turned and faced his reinstated senior guard.

“I have been informed that Commander Waltez has not returned yet.”

“That is odd. I expected him back no later than this evening. Thank you.”

Naeshi nodded, but he did not leave. He stared at Ittonifer intently.

“Spit it out, man.”

“Can it happen tomorrow?” he asked.

“Yes, you can marry my daughter tomorrow,” said Ittonifer.

“Thank you, my lord. How soon?” said Naeshi.

“In the morning, of course.”

Naeshi left the room.

Ittonifer frowned as he returned his attention to the army below. He already knew why Waltez had not returned.

Heat surged down his neck, and he punched the stone railing.

That general is a fool. I am going to crush his army and kill him myself. Slowly.

Ittonifer left the library. Turning down the dark hallway that led to his bedchamber, he heard light footsteps following him.

It was Chrissa.


“What now?”

“I see that you have obtained the ten great beasts of the deep! When are you marching for Sanctus?”

“What concern is it of yours?”

“This is my country, too. I wish to march with you.”

“Don’t even—”

“Please listen to me, Father! I’ve been practicing and you know how gifted I am with the sword.”

“You already know that is out of the question.”

“I am surprised you don’t want me to fight. I might just grant your wish and die.”

“Leave me in peace, wench! I’ll be counting down the hours when you are finally married to Naeshi.”

“Naeshi? Father, you know I won’t Copyright 2016 - 2024