Sweetest Sorrow (Forbidden #2) - J.M. Darhower Page 0,93

not hitting on you with that. I just mean getting away from all that seems like it was good for you. You look good."

"Don't do that," Genna said.

"Don't do what?"

"Don't be nice to me," she said, pulling out of Matty's arms. "It weirds me out."

Gavin laughed. "What can I do?"

"You can tell me what you're doing here."

Gavin's eyes subtly shifted to Matty, just a fleeting, questioning glance.

Matty shook his head. He didn't think about it. He couldn't let himself. Instinct kicked in, the fierce protectiveness taking over.

He shook his fucking head.

"Truthfully?" Gavin sighed. "I missed you crazy kids."

"How did you find us?"

"Easy," he said. "I never lost you."

Genna seemed confused by that.

"Gavin's the friend who got the house for us," Matty explained. "Got everything for us. We wouldn't be here without his help."

"Seriously?" Genna glanced at Matty as she scrunched up her nose. "I've gotta be grateful to this fucknut?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Just when I think things are looking up, I find out I'm indebted to him." She turned back to Gavin, who grinned with amusement. "What do you get out of this arrangement? Because I'm not giving you my firstborn. That's off the table."

"What do I look like, Rumplestiltskin?" Gavin glanced at his watch. "Look, this has been a blast… no pun intended… but I've got a flight to catch. Just wanted to see your faces before leaving, to make sure you're settled and see if you need anything."

Genna plopped down on the hood of the Honda, parked behind the sleek BMW.

Gavin's gaze trailed her, his eyes surveying the car as he approached it. "This is what you're driving?"

"For now," Matty said.

Gavin did a circle around it. "Seriously, Matty-B? Out of state plates, screwdriver in the ignition… I bet your fingerprints are all through it, too."


Shaking his head, Gavin reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys. He dropped them onto Genna's lap.

"Take the BMW," Gavin said. "I'll extend the rental on it, make it a lease, and get rid of this thing."

Genna hopped back off the Honda, grinning as she clutched the keys. She didn't hesitate before practically skipping over to the BMW.

"Thank you," Matty said. "I wish there was a way I could pay you back for everything."

"Don't sweat it," Gavin said. "You owe me so much at this point that I fully expect you to name that baby after me."

The city of Elizabeth was one of the biggest in New Jersey, but compared to Manhattan, where Dante typically roamed, it almost had a small-town vibe. Even with his recognizable face, Dante felt like he could blend in if he needed to back in New York. But over there, he was an outsider and it showed.

The moment he stepped out of his car, he felt eyes all over him, studying his every move. Curiosity. Suspicion. Even a bit of hostility. He didn't blame them for it, but it made him hyperaware of his surroundings.

Fall had settled in, the summer heat long gone, giving way to cool days and cold nights. October. Despite a slight chill in the air, Dante's white button down felt stifling, even with the sleeves rolled up. He hadn't dressed up in a while. He hadn't had reason to. But considering he stood in someone else's territory, he figured it wise to put his best foot forward.

The car lot was small, only a few dozen high-end cars strategically parked in a pattern, arranged more for coveting than actually shopping. Dante looked around as those eyes watched him from inside the building.

It took damn near five minutes for someone to approach him.

"Mr. Galante," a voice said, coming up behind him. "What can we do for you this afternoon?"

Damn good question.

Dante turned, finding a tall guy with wavy brown hair parted to the side. Fifty or so, wearing an expensive gray suit tailored to his slim frame. His expression was relaxed, an air of friendliness around him, but his brown eyes were guarded.

"I'm looking for a car," Dante told him.

"Anything in particular?"

Dante glanced at his Mercedes parked by the entrance. "Just something different."

"And you couldn't find your something different in New York?"

"Didn't look there," Dante admitted.

The man seemed to consider that, pursing his lips, before holding out his hand. "Alfie Russo."


He was the Russo Dante had encountered while scoping out the house with Umberto, which a bit of research told him was the same Russo that had blessed them all with Gabriella. Her father.

Dante took his hand, firmly shaking it. "Call me Dante."

"Dante." Alfie pulled

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