Sweetest Sorrow (Forbidden #2) - J.M. Darhower Page 0,128

she was sure he'd leave fingerprint bruises along her skin.

Before Gabriella could get her bearings, Dante started pounding into her, not letting up, each thrust harder… faster… deeper. He let go of her long enough to gather her hair, to sweep the waves back, wrapping them around one of his hands, fisting and tugging, pulling her head back, not enough to hurt but enough that she had no choice but to comply. Her back arched further, his free arm snaking beneath her, again pinning her hips in place against him as he slammed into her from behind. "This what you wanted?"

"Oh God," she gasped. "Yes."

"Wrong," he growled, a harsh edge to that word that made Gabriella shiver. "If you can still talk, I'm not fucking you hard enough."

She didn't think it possible, but he increased his pace, his touch rougher against her skin. His hand slipped down, fingers rubbing her clit, as his other hand pulled on her hair, tilting her head to the side as he leaned over her. Her eyes fluttered closed, cries escaping her throat, louder every time he filled her.

"Open your eyes," he said. "I want you to look at me, so you remember it's me fucking you, since you seem to think you need to go out and find someone else to give you what you want."

She blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision. Her eyes watered, the sensations flowing through her intense. She held his gaze, his stare penetrating, burning through her, igniting a fire deep down.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice low.

She nodded, whispering, "Yes."

A smile tugged the corner of his mouth as he leaned further forward, kissing her hard, teeth nipping at her bottom lip before he said, "That sounded like another word to me."

Dante let go of her hair, the locks unraveling from his fist, falling around her shoulders, as his hand gripped the back of her neck, shoving her chest down against the bed, her face against the pillow. He hiked her bottom half up higher, shifting position, pinning her against the mattress. The first time he thrust, she let out a shriek so loud it stung her throat. Burying her face in the pillow, trying to muffle her own sounds, she fisted the sheets as he beautifully brutalized her body, destroying and rebuilding every inch of her with his touch, with his thrusts.

Orgasm erupted inside of her, her body convulsing, as the sound of skin slapping echoed around them. Dante cursed under his breath, his pace slipping momentarily. "Feel good?"

She could do nothing but squeal, letting out incoherent noises, as the ripples of pleasure wove through her. Dante laughed, thrusting a few more times before grunting, slamming into her as he let loose.

Gabriella slid down flat against the bed when he pulled out. The muscles in her thighs twitched, the spot between them throbbing, aching from the battering. The bed shifted, Dante disappearing.

She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the bland white ceiling, colored splotches marring her vision whenever she blinked. Dante returned, his pants unbuckled, barely hanging on. He smirked as he undid his white button down. "You look thoroughly fucked, baby."

She propped up on her elbows. Her dress was still hiked up, probably flashing him all the goods, but she couldn't find it in her to care. He'd seen every inch of it up close and personal on more than one occasion. "I feel that way."

Best Christmas present ever.

He pulled off the shirt, tossing it in the hamper, before letting his pants drop. He kicked them off, also putting them away. Gabriella's eyes scanned him, standing there in his black boxers and white undershirt, a heck of a lot more put together than she felt.

"What do you want to do?" he asked. "It's still early."

The sun was just setting outside, casting long shadows along the room, everything growing dim. They'd agreed not to make a big deal out of the holidays, so they had no plans. Gabriella knew he wasn't ready for all of that, not ready to celebrate without his family.

"Sleep," she said. "For like, a week."

"Sleep sounds nice," he said, taking off his watch as he stepped over to the bed, setting it on the stand. Gabriella's eyes trailed him, unabashedly staring at his backside as he faced away from her. She was so lost in a euphoric post-coital haze, thanks to the flood of endorphins, that it took her a moment to realize it when Dante tugged his white undershirt off.

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